The PedsDocTalk Podcast

A podcast by Dr. Mona Amin - Wednesdays



353 Episodes

  1. Whoa, Baby! Common Questions about Labor, Delivery, and Postpartum

    Published: 5/08/2020
  2. Babies are Fascinating: A Review of Babies (Documentary)

    Published: 29/07/2020
  3. Is Our Food Dangerous? Busting Myths about Food Science

    Published: 22/07/2020
  4. BONUS EPISODE: The Pandemic of our Generation: Your Top COVID Questions for Summer 2020

    Published: 17/07/2020
  5. Approaching Difficult Conversations with Your Child with Author Jelani Memory

    Published: 15/07/2020
  6. 15 Things We Need to Stop Doing as Mothers

    Published: 9/07/2020
  7. Peanuts, Eggs, Food Allergies, and FPIES; Oh My!

    Published: 24/06/2020
  8. Let's Eat! Introduction of Solids

    Published: 24/06/2020
  9. Momma Needs Some Sleep! How different moms approached sleep-training

    Published: 17/06/2020
  10. A Conversation About Sleep with a Sleep Consultant

    Published: 17/06/2020
  11. Is It Too Late to Jump on the Sleep Train? Various methods in sleep-training

    Published: 17/06/2020
  12. We're Losing Sleep Over Our Kids' Sleep: My views on sleep-training

    Published: 17/06/2020
  13. Cry Babies: Cortisol Research and Secure Attachment

    Published: 17/06/2020
  14. How Birth Trauma Changed My Life

    Published: 10/06/2020
  15. Addressing Racial Injustice With Your Child

    Published: 4/06/2020
  16. Let's Get Your Kid Talking: Tips for speech from ages 1 to 2

    Published: 27/05/2020
  17. Summer Safety (sun, bugs, water, and heat)!

    Published: 20/05/2020
  18. Never Have I Ever Loved a Netflix Series So Much!

    Published: 14/05/2020
  19. Understanding the Stages of Adolescent Development

    Published: 14/05/2020
  20. Anxiety in Children: Recognizing anxiety and practical tips

    Published: 7/05/2020

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Join Pediatrician and mother Dr. Mona Amin as she equips parents with the tools to thrive and feel confident in parenthood. Episodes include conversations with experts in the field of child development, child health, parental mental health and well-being, answering questions directly from parents, and parenting guidance and mindset tips to get YOU the most out of your parenting journey. Follow her on Instagram @pedsdoctalk and subscribe to her YouTube for more!

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