The Homeschool Project Podcast

A podcast by Nathan and Anita


152 Episodes

  1. E48: Connecting Kids with Nature / Penny Whitehouse from Mother Natured

    Published: 8/11/2020
  2. 5 Minutes or Less : Anita from Cleveland, Ohio

    Published: 3/11/2020
  3. E47: Homeschooling for College Credit with Jennifer Cook-DeRosa / The Road to Debt Free College Education

    Published: 1/11/2020
  4. Five Minutes or Less: Nina from Mississippi

    Published: 28/10/2020
  5. E46: Taking Math Outdoors in Your Homeschool / Rachel Tidd from Wild Math

    Published: 25/10/2020
  6. Introducing the Re-Imagine Series : Speaking to those changing the definition of normal in their life, education, and homeschool.

    Published: 24/10/2020
  7. E45: Homeschool Mom Supporting Military Families and Giving Back to Those Who Served / Christina Etchberger from It's A Military Life

    Published: 18/10/2020
  8. E44: Much Needed Girl Time- 3 SAHMs and A Teacher

    Published: 11/10/2020
  9. E43: The Importance of an Entrepreneurial Mindset / Samantha Shank from Learn In Color

    Published: 4/10/2020
  10. E42: Reconnecting to Who You Are and Looking Out for Numero Uno (Homeschooling / Parenting)

    Published: 27/09/2020
  11. E41: From Homeschooling to Air Force Pilot: One family's Story of Homeschool Success

    Published: 20/09/2020
  12. E40: Having a Purposeful Homeschool Budgeting Plan

    Published: 13/09/2020
  13. E39: Wildlings Forest School, Unschooling, and Learning Naturally / with Nicki Farrell, Co-Founder

    Published: 5/09/2020
  14. E38: Back to Homeschool/School Reality Check

    Published: 30/08/2020
  15. E37: On Empowering Your Child and Keeping the Natural Joy of Learning Alive with Natalie Cottrell Owner of Grasshopper Montessori

    Published: 23/08/2020
  16. E36: Continuing the Homeschool Curriculum Chat: What's On Our List This Year - Part 2

    Published: 16/08/2020
  17. E35: Homeschool Curriculum Chat: What's On Our List This Year - Part 1

    Published: 9/08/2020
  18. E34: Music in Your Homeschool with Mr. Henry and Mr. Fite from the Music Podcast for Kids

    Published: 2/08/2020
  19. E33: Homeschool Success and Famous Homeschoolers

    Published: 27/07/2020
  20. Bonus Episode: Homeschooling from A to Z - Step by Step Process to Getting Started

    Published: 21/07/2020

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Using alternative education to design the lifestyle we envision rather than that of mainstream society. Our mission is to take back life centered around family, adventures, and the outdoors with our children’s education at the heart. Join us, along with our guests, to discuss topics on homeschooling, alternative education, parenting, and lifestyle design.Together, “Lets Light A Fire They Can't Put Out."If you have any questions or comments contact us at [email protected]. Follow us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, IHeart Radio, and TuneIn+Alexa and leave us a review. You can also follow us on Instagram and Facebook at homeschool_project_podcast. Enjoy! ~ Anita and Nathan

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