The Happy Dog Podcast
A podcast by Kimberley

79 Episodes
February's omnibus
Published: 28/02/2023 -
The ABC's of dog training
Published: 27/02/2023 -
The problem with Fetch
Published: 20/02/2023 -
Easy enrichment ideas for your dog
Published: 13/02/2023 -
Why playing with your dog after a training session can help them remember
Published: 6/02/2023 -
January omnibus episode
Published: 31/01/2023 -
Mini episode 4 - does my dog need to wear a coat?
Published: 30/01/2023 -
Minisode 3 - to ditch the bowl... or not?
Published: 23/01/2023 -
Minisode 2 - using a clicker
Published: 16/01/2023 -
Minisode 1 - why your dog hates the postman
Published: 7/11/2022 -
The fallout of punishment with Sophie and Riyukta
Published: 9/10/2022 -
The problem with punishment
Published: 1/10/2022 -
Introduction to learning theory - operant conditioning
Published: 24/09/2022 -
Introduction to learning theory
Published: 17/09/2022 -
Understanding the foundation of dog training: classical conditioning
Published: 17/09/2022 -
Separation anxiety mini series - what else could it be?
Published: 20/06/2022 -
Separation Anxiety Mini Series - How to succeed with separation anxiety training
Published: 13/06/2022 -
Separation Anxiety Mini Series - Common mistakes around separation anxiety training
Published: 6/06/2022 -
Separation anxiety Mini Series - Myths around Separation anxiety
Published: 30/05/2022 -
Separation Anxiety Mini Series - What is Separation Anxiety
Published: 23/05/2022
As a dog trainer with over 10 years experience, I know that all people want when they bring a dog into their lives is to have a happy dog. This podcast delves deep into how this can be achieved from picking the right puppy, to training it, to helping you understand that sometimes things go wrong and how to help your dog when they aren't so happy.