The Balanced Parent Podcast

A podcast by Laura Froyen, PhD - Tuesdays



230 Episodes

  1. 138: Creating Success for Children w/ Learning Differences with Victoria Waller

    Published: 4/10/2022
  2. Bonus (Group Coaching Call): The Power of Mindset When Big Kids Meltdown

    Published: 30/09/2022
  3. 137: How to Help Your Child With School Struggles with Philip Mott

    Published: 27/09/2022
  4. 136: Language Development: What You Need to Know with Leanne Sherred

    Published: 20/09/2022
  5. 135: Why Coming Home Can Be So Hard, and How to Make It Easier

    Published: 13/09/2022
  6. 134: The Sneaky Double Standards of Parenting with Blimie Heller

    Published: 6/09/2022
  7. 133: Break the React & Regret Cycle to Reclaim Your Power w/ Christian de la Huerta

    Published: 30/08/2022
  8. 132: Parenting as a Spiritual Journey with Mary Van Geffen

    Published: 23/08/2022
  9. Bonus: Live Coaching - How to Help A Kid When They Are Stuck In Their Big Feelings

    Published: 19/08/2022
  10. 131: Keeping Kids Safe with Jen Szeghi

    Published: 16/08/2022
  11. 130: Helping Your Child Get Comfortable With Going To Therapy with Jamie Edelbrock

    Published: 9/08/2022
  12. 129: Supporting Anxious Kids without Making Things Worse with Dawn Friedman

    Published: 2/08/2022
  13. 128: How to Raise Anti-Racist Children with Britt Hawthorne

    Published: 26/07/2022
  14. 127: Coping with ADHD as a Mom with Patricia Sung

    Published: 19/07/2022
  15. 126: College or Not Series: Helping Your Child Find Their Purpose w/ Greg and Beth Langston

    Published: 12/07/2022
  16. 125: College or Not series: Helping Your Child Identify the Future that is Right for THEM w/ Oie Dobier

    Published: 5/07/2022
  17. 124: College or Not Series: Four Conversation to Help Your Child Find their Passion with Stephanie Haynes

    Published: 28/06/2022
  18. 123: How to Have a Fulfilling Sex Life, Even as a Busy Parent with Janna

    Published: 21/06/2022
  19. 122: How to Ask for What You Need in Any Relationship with Kerstin Kirchsteiger

    Published: 14/06/2022
  20. Bonus: Sensitive Kids Who Can't Take Correction (Live Coaching)

    Published: 10/06/2022

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Parenting is often lived in the extremes. It’s either great joy or chaotic overwhelm. One moment you’re nailing it and the next you’re losing your cool. I want to help you find your way to the messy middle, to a place of balance. You see, balance is a verb, not a state of being. It is a thing you DO, not a thing you ARE. It’s an action, a process, a series of micro-corrections that we make, each and every day, to keep ourselves feeling centered. We are never truly balanced, we are engaged in the process of balancing.Hello, I’m Dr. Laura Froyen, and this is the Balancing Parenting Podcast, where overwhelmed, stressed-out, and disconnected parents go to find tools, mindset shifts, and practices to help them stop yelling at the people they love and start connecting all delivered with heaping doses of grace and compassion. Join me in conversations that will help you get clear on your goals and values and start showing up in your parenting, your relationships, YOUR LIFE, with open-hearted authenticity and balance.

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