The Adoption and Fostering Podcast

A podcast by Al Coates & Scott Casson-Rennie - Saturdays



434 Episodes

  1. Conversations - Ettienne and Scott, Adoptive Parents

    Published: 16/12/2023
  2. Better Me Better Us Ep 7 -Christmas and Safeguarding

    Published: 12/12/2023
  3. Episode 178 - Sally Donovan & Carly Kingswood

    Published: 11/12/2023
  4. Emergency Podcast with Helen Bonnick Defining Child to Parent Abuse

    Published: 7/12/2023
  5. Conversations - Katherine & Julie from SASSI (Solo Adopters Social, Support and Information)

    Published: 2/12/2023
  6. Episode 5 of FASD - What’s da Craic? Foster Carer Frank

    Published: 28/11/2023
  7. Episode 177 - Ellie Costello from Square Peg talking school attendance.

    Published: 25/11/2023
  8. Episode 176 - Scottish Adult Adoptee Movement - Fi Henderson

    Published: 18/11/2023
  9. Better Me Better Us: Ep6 - Winter Season

    Published: 14/11/2023
  10. Conversations - Rianne and Danny

    Published: 11/11/2023
  11. Wednesday Webcast - Sarah Anderson from FosterWiki

    Published: 7/11/2023
  12. Conversations - Adoptive Parent Alex

    Published: 4/11/2023
  13. Podcast Special - Fostering in Ireland

    Published: 31/10/2023
  14. Episode 175 - An interview with Psychosexual Therapist Lisa Etherson

    Published: 28/10/2023
  15. Conversations - Black Sheep, transracial adult adoptee and adopter.

    Published: 21/10/2023
  16. Converstations - Birth Parent Kristy

    Published: 18/10/2023
  17. Episode 4 of ‘FASD - What’s da Craic?’ with Maggie, Rob and Scott.

    Published: 18/10/2023
  18. #Conversations - Mimm

    Published: 16/10/2023
  19. Episode 174 - New, Reports, #Adoption Week and more

    Published: 14/10/2023
  20. Better Me Better Us: Ep5 - Parents

    Published: 10/10/2023

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Conversation & discussion on contemporary Adoption & Fostering

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