Tes Podagogy

A podcast by Tes


160 Episodes

  1. Why education is still failing to create equity - with professor ED HIrsch

    Published: 9/09/2020
  2. Are Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction all they seem? | The Magazine Debrief

    Published: 4/09/2020
  3. Coronavirus, toilets, deep cleaning and schools - with Professor Jack Gilbert

    Published: 2/09/2020
  4. How to handle working from home | Podagogy Lockdown 2

    Published: 8/04/2020
  5. What do we need to know about remote learning? | Podagogy Lockdown 1

    Published: 2/04/2020
  6. Professor Michael Young on the role of knowledge in education

    Published: 11/03/2020
  7. Why we’re doing too much, too young, in education with Dorothy Bishop

    Published: 5/02/2020
  8. How to build a school curriculum with professor Mark Priestly

    Published: 29/01/2020
  9. John Hattie takes on the Visible Learning critics

    Published: 22/01/2020
  10. Why peer learning is more effective than you think

    Published: 11/12/2019
  11. How important are A-level subject choices?

    Published: 4/12/2019
  12. Can we really teach creativity, with professor Bill Lucas

    Published: 27/11/2019
  13. Caren Gestetner ‘Even the best schools aren’t immune from gender bias’

    Published: 20/11/2019
  14. How to teach handwriting with Jo Atkinson

    Published: 13/11/2019
  15. Slang and standard English with Rob Drummond

    Published: 16/10/2019
  16. Attachment-aware teaching with Professor Peter Fonagy

    Published: 8/10/2019
  17. Why we need to level up our understanding of video games, with Dr Peter Etchells

    Published: 2/10/2019
  18. What teachers need to know about peer influence, with Professor Brett Laursen

    Published: 25/09/2019
  19. Social mobility with Lee Elliot Major

    Published: 17/09/2019
  20. Project-based learning with Professor Pam Grossman

    Published: 11/09/2019

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Everything you wanted to know about teaching on a podcast produced by the editors and writers at the world-renowned tes. We interview leading researchers, start fierce debates between staff and deep dive into the biggest issues facing education.

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