TED Talks Kids and Family

A podcast by TED


149 Episodes

  1. The best kindergarten you’ve ever seen | Takaharu Tezuka

    Published: 14/04/2015
  2. Play this word game to come up with original ideas | Shimpei Takahashi

    Published: 12/03/2015
  3. A magical search for a coincidence | Helder Guimarães

    Published: 27/02/2015
  4. Why a good book is a secret door | Mac Barnett

    Published: 17/09/2014
  5. How our stories cross over | Colin Grant

    Published: 5/09/2014
  6. Why lunch ladies are heroes | Jarrett J. Krosoczka

    Published: 20/08/2014
  7. Two nerdy obsessions meet -- and it's magic | David Kwong

    Published: 11/07/2014
  8. Two poems about what dogs think (probably) | Billy Collins

    Published: 20/06/2014
  9. And for my next trick, a robot | Marco Tempest

    Published: 6/05/2014
  10. For parents, happiness is a very high bar | Jennifer Senior

    Published: 15/04/2014
  11. Hidden miracles of the natural world | Louie Schwartzberg

    Published: 9/04/2014
  12. My daughter, Malala | Ziauddin Yousafzai

    Published: 24/03/2014
  13. What I learned from going blind in space | Chris Hadfield

    Published: 19/03/2014
  14. What we can learn from galaxies far, far away | Henry Lin

    Published: 27/02/2014
  15. Meet a young entrepreneur, cartoonist, designer, activist ... | Maya Penn

    Published: 31/01/2014
  16. Want to be an activist? Start with your toys | McKenna Pope

    Published: 29/01/2014
  17. How I beat stage fright | Joe Kowan

    Published: 24/01/2014
  18. My glacier cave discoveries | Eddy Cartaya

    Published: 11/12/2013
  19. Massively multi-player… thumb-wrestling? | Jane McGonigal

    Published: 15/11/2013
  20. The art of misdirection | Apollo Robbins

    Published: 13/09/2013

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Fun videos to inspire, intrigue and stir your imagination from some of the world's leading thinkers and doers onstage at the TED conference, TEDx events and partner events around the world. You can also download these and many other videos free on TED.com, with an interactive English transcript and subtitles in up to 80 languages. TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.

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