Spencer & Vogue
A podcast by Global

317 Episodes
Aggravating News, Pants on Fire and Frozen Leeks
Published: 18/05/2021 -
A Russian Obsession, the Worst Hangovers and a Bee in your Bonnet
Published: 11/05/2021 -
Jersey, Vogue's Ghost Story and the Theodore Game
Published: 4/05/2021 -
Spanish Sandra, First Impressions and Embarrassing your Kids
Published: 27/04/2021 -
Stormzy pieing Vogue, Annoying Habits and Theodore wants the Moustache Back
Published: 20/04/2021 -
A Foot-Off, an English Quiz and Vogue's Crush on the Duke
Published: 13/04/2021 -
April Fools, My Octopus Teacher & How to say Poland
Published: 6/04/2021 -
Introducing: My Therapist Ghosted Me!
Published: 2/04/2021 -
Spencer's Snoring, Return of the Tash & Who is Fitter?
Published: 30/03/2021 -
St Patrick's Day, Spencer's Embarrassing Day at School and Superhero Names
Published: 23/03/2021 -
Nick Nacks, the Origin of Gigi's Name & Spencer wants to Cube
Published: 16/03/2021 -
Rage Inducers, A Compatibility Quiz and The News
Published: 2/03/2021 -
Drag Names, Getting Jealous and Your Assumptions
Published: 23/02/2021 -
Kissing the Moustache, Going to Space & Popping the Greggs Virginities
Published: 16/02/2021 -
Tarot Cards, Tom Moore and Houmus & Ham
Published: 9/02/2021 -
Theodore Swears, Discovering Wotsits and Capaldi vs Blunt
Published: 2/02/2021 -
Cotton Eye Joe, Lies in Interviews and Hated Words
Published: 26/01/2021 -
Tongue Scrapers, Teaching Spencer to DJ and Jake Gyllenhaal
Published: 19/01/2021 -
Being more Spencer, Baby #3, and Weird Ways to Meet your Other Half
Published: 12/01/2021 -
Things that Really Annoy You, Mean Girls and Vogue has News
Published: 5/01/2021
Welcome to Spencer & Vogue! Become a fly on the wall to Spencer & Vogue's marriage, listening in every week as they chat about what's been going on in their lives.You’ll hear what they’re doing, thinking, and disagreeing on every week as they bring topics to the table, play games and answer your questions. From social media, to money, friends to Spencer’s obsession with Jeff Bezos, there’s never a dull conversation or lack of opinion. So don’t be shy- get involved!Ask questions, for advice, or send in what you think the next big debate should be to [email protected] review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/For advertising opportunities on this podcast email: [email protected]