Spencer & Vogue

A podcast by Global


317 Episodes

  1. Massages, Weird Everyday Turn Ons & Justice for Geoffrey the Giraffe

    Published: 8/03/2022
  2. Bojo Stealing Vogue's Baby Name, Household Debates & Bertie Ahern

    Published: 1/03/2022
  3. Spen Writes a Song, Boiled 7UP & Being Eaten by a Bear

    Published: 22/02/2022
  4. A Transformed Spencer, North Korea & Anti-Bucket Lists

    Published: 15/02/2022
  5. Introducing 'Feast is Feast with Big Zuu'...

    Published: 11/02/2022
  6. Tom Ford, Dance Lessons & a S**t on the Doorstep

    Published: 8/02/2022
  7. Naps, Spen’s New Specs & Naked Owls

    Published: 1/02/2022
  8. Spenny getting Pied, my Clownfish Teacher & Taking a Dead Body for his Pension

    Published: 25/01/2022
  9. The Maldives, More Sharing Toothbrushes and How Dinosaurs Became Extinct

    Published: 18/01/2022
  10. Who Built the Pyramids, Bowling & Suicidal Swans

    Published: 11/01/2022
  11. Touching Noses, Panto Costumes & Coal

    Published: 4/01/2022
  12. Spencer & Vogue: Best of 2021

    Published: 21/12/2021
  13. According to Gen Z, Parties at Downing St & a Christmas Gift

    Published: 14/12/2021
  14. A Terrible Jumper, School Personas & a House in Jersey

    Published: 7/12/2021
  15. Introducing At Your Leisure

    Published: 3/12/2021
  16. Washing your Feet, The Toy Show & Ash Bath Bombs

    Published: 30/11/2021
  17. Parent Guilt, Pie or Reply & Missing Socks

    Published: 23/11/2021
  18. New York, Pointless Degrees & Re-naming the Pod?

    Published: 16/11/2021
  19. Oysters, Multiple Trees & A "Helicopter"

    Published: 9/11/2021
  20. The Three Cs, T's Tantrum & Baby Number 3

    Published: 2/11/2021

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Welcome to Spencer & Vogue! Become a fly on the wall to Spencer & Vogue's marriage, listening in every week as they chat about what's been going on in their lives.You’ll hear what they’re doing, thinking, and disagreeing on every week as they bring topics to the table, play games and answer your questions. From social media, to money, friends to Spencer’s obsession with Jeff Bezos, there’s never a dull conversation or lack of opinion. So don’t be shy- get involved!Ask questions, for advice, or send in what you think the next big debate should be to [email protected] review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/For advertising opportunities on this podcast email: [email protected]

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