Sixteen Summers with Kirsten O'Brien

A podcast by Kirsten O'Brien


10 Episodes

  1. Charlie Condou

    Published: 2/07/2021
  2. Kaye Adams

    Published: 9/06/2021
  3. Mr Motivator

    Published: 27/05/2021
  4. Jasmine Harman

    Published: 13/05/2021
  5. Ortis Deley

    Published: 24/04/2021
  6. Steve Backshall

    Published: 16/04/2021
  7. Melinda Messenger

    Published: 8/04/2021
  8. Jason Manford

    Published: 1/04/2021
  9. Will Mellor

    Published: 25/03/2021
  10. Welcome to Sixteen Summers

    Published: 18/03/2021

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Welcome to Sixteen Summers with Kirsten O'Brien - the podcast that wants to know the answer to one simple question: if you had to choose between the childhood you had, or the one you're giving your kids, which would you pick? In this podcast TV and radio presenter Kirsten chats to famous faces such as Will Mellor, Jason Manford, Melinda Messenger and Steve Backshall about their childhoods and about how they tackle the challenges that come with being a parent. And every episode ends with THAT big question. Follow Kirsten on twitter @realkirstobrien and join in the conversation using #16summers.

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