Saint Stories for Kids

A podcast by Shining Light Dolls


162 Episodes

  1. Ep. 22 St Boniface

    Published: 1/06/2019
  2. Ep. 21 St Joan of Arc

    Published: 26/05/2019
  3. Ep. 20 Our Lady of China

    Published: 20/05/2019
  4. Ep. 19 St Simon Stock

    Published: 12/05/2019
  5. Ep. 18 Our Lady of Fatima

    Published: 1/05/2019
  6. Ep. 17 St Peregrine

    Published: 29/04/2019
  7. Ep. 13 St Benedict the Moor

    Published: 28/04/2019
  8. Ep. 16 St George and The Dragon

    Published: 20/04/2019
  9. Ep. 15 St Agnes of Montepulciano

    Published: 13/04/2019
  10. Ep. 14 St Casilda of Toledo

    Published: 7/04/2019
  11. Ep. 12 St Balbina

    Published: 24/03/2019
  12. Ep. 11 St Enda

    Published: 17/03/2019
  13. Ep. 10 St Patrick

    Published: 9/03/2019
  14. Ep. 9 St John of God

    Published: 2/03/2019
  15. Ep. 8 St Katharine Drexel

    Published: 21/02/2019
  16. Ep. 7 St Bernadette Soubirous

    Published: 15/02/2019
  17. Ep. 6 St Valentine

    Published: 11/02/2019
  18. Ep. 5 St Scholastica

    Published: 1/02/2019
  19. Ep. 4 St John Bosco

    Published: 24/01/2019
  20. Ep. 3 St Francis de Sales

    Published: 21/01/2019

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A weekly podcast of stories for kids about Catholic Saints, from the creator of Shining Light Dolls, Chantal Baros. Join us each week for a new short story about the lives of the Saints!

Visit the podcast's native language site