Saint Stories for Kids

A podcast by Shining Light Dolls


162 Episodes

  1. Ep. 103 St Anthony Zaccaria

    Published: 26/06/2021
  2. Ep. 102 St Kevin

    Published: 20/06/2021
  3. Ep. 101 St Medard

    Published: 13/06/2021
  4. Ep. 100 Pope St John Paul II

    Published: 6/06/2021
  5. Ep. 99 St Patrick

    Published: 14/03/2021
  6. Ep. 98 St Paul the Simple

    Published: 27/02/2021
  7. Ep. 97 St Grigor of Narek

    Published: 21/02/2021
  8. Ep. 96 St Peter Damian

    Published: 14/02/2021
  9. Ep. 95 St Josephine Bakhita

    Published: 7/02/2021
  10. Ep. 94 St Brigid of Ireland

    Published: 31/01/2021
  11. Ep. 93 St Paul the Apostle

    Published: 23/01/2021
  12. Ep. 92 St Margaret of Hungary

    Published: 16/01/2021
  13. Ep. 91 St Paul of Thebes and St Anthony the Great

    Published: 9/01/2021
  14. Ep. 90 St Charles of Sezze

    Published: 1/01/2021
  15. Ep. 89 St Martin de Porres

    Published: 1/11/2020
  16. Ep. 88 St Jude

    Published: 26/10/2020
  17. Ep. 87 St Kieran

    Published: 6/09/2020
  18. Ep. 86 St Gregory the Great

    Published: 30/08/2020
  19. Ep. 85 St Augustine of Hippo

    Published: 23/08/2020
  20. Ep. 84 St Hyacinth

    Published: 16/08/2020

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A weekly podcast of stories for kids about Catholic Saints, from the creator of Shining Light Dolls, Chantal Baros. Join us each week for a new short story about the lives of the Saints!

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