Raising Daughters

A podcast by Tim Jordan, MD - Thursdays



298 Episodes

  1. How to help kids gain resilience and thrive from adversity

    Published: 23/06/2021
  2. Reflecting on your mortality can give life urgency, perspective, and purpose

    Published: 17/06/2021
  3. Why and how you go to college is more important than where

    Published: 10/06/2021
  4. Menstruation 2.0: How to educate girls about their periods

    Published: 3/06/2021
  5. My Dot Theory describes the secret to finding your purpose & calling

    Published: 27/05/2021
  6. Is Your Daughter the Next Beyonce? How to support her dreams

    Published: 20/05/2021
  7. Is Your Daughter Getting High? Here’s how to tell and how to support her

    Published: 13/05/2021
  8. Young, High Achieving Athletes Need Support with their Mental Game and Emotions

    Published: 29/04/2021
  9. Bossy young girls become powerful women leaders

    Published: 15/04/2021
  10. 10 Key Questions to Ask Your Daughter

    Published: 8/04/2021
  11. The most damaging drugs experienced by teenagers: You may be surprised

    Published: 1/04/2021
  12. Why girl’s mental health is suffering more from the pandemic than boys, and why I have full faith in them

    Published: 18/03/2021
  13. College seniors discuss the effect of Covid on their outlook on jobs, earnings, marriage, and hope for the future.

    Published: 4/03/2021
  14. Scarcity or Abundance? How to teach your kids to develop good money habits.

    Published: 25/02/2021
  15. How Covid is affecting college student’s experience, in their own words

    Published: 11/02/2021
  16. Everything you always wanted to know about supporting kids and yourself through divorce

    Published: 4/02/2021
  17. More oxytocin and dopamine please: The brain and hormonal causes of stress and happiness

    Published: 28/01/2021
  18. The Capitol attack: How to educate and comfort children

    Published: 9/01/2021
  19. Kindness, Empathy and Love: The best holiday gifts that can’t be bought in stores

    Published: 17/12/2020
  20. Ready to switch to a flip phone? The good, the bad and the ugly of smart phones and social media

    Published: 3/12/2020

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Girls tend to be more sensitive and anxious than boys. They experience a wide range of emotions simultaneously, which can make them difficult to predict. This presents a significant difficulty for parents, many of whom are already overburdened. If you do not know what is going on in their heads and hearts or the struggles they face on a daily basis, it is hard to know how to best support them. You have found Raising Daughters, a warm and helpful resource for parents on how to best care for and direct their young daughters as they develop. If you have daughters and want to help them through life's challenges, this podcast can give you the tools and guidance you need to do just that. Learn ways to connect with them such that you can remain an influence in their lives throughout the teen years and beyond, Find out in each episode what it really takes to take care of your girls, who are under more stress than ever before. They may be overly concerned with academic success, self-image issues, or anxiety to handle diverse social situations. Being overwhelmed by their emotions can lead to sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety and even depression. It is your responsibility as a parent to guide them in the right direction despite the chaos of the outside world. Learn from this podcast how to start important conversations with your daughters and give them the help they need to feel protected and loved. Each discussion delves deeply into what kids are thinking, feeling, and experiencing today, from schoolwork to dating life, friendships and even within themselves. Get ready to hear some personal, sensitive, and confronting information about the lives of modern-day young women. Learn from their experiences, some of which may go unnoticed or ununderstood, and improve as a parent of your own daughters as a result. The parents featured in this podcast share their insights and advice gained through raising children. Data-driven strategies for raising daughters are discussed, and episodes feature authors and experts in various fields of child development. To really get to the heart of what is going on in a girl's head, heart, and soul, the show also has girls on who share their current thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The podcast also discusses the effects of technology on the lives of young women. Parents need to step up their game as their children become more preoccupied with their phones and more vulnerable as a result of what they see on social media. In today's instantaneous digital world, it is important for parents to be informed about the various online communities in which their children participate. This podcast will serve as your helpful guide as you learn about the media and technology your daughters are using. Dr. Tim Jordan, a specialist in developmental and behavioral pediatrics, hosts the podcast. He has been mentoring young women for over 30 years, primarily through his counseling practice, weekend retreats and summer camps with a focus on self-improvement and leadership. Throughout his career, Dr. Tim gave talks to audiences of parents and professionals in the United States and around the world. He has the pulse of what every parent needs in raising daughters because of his extensive background and personal encounters with both parents and children. In every episode, he sets the tone with a friendly and humorous introduction that makes the discussion more enjoyable for the audience.  The thoughts and feelings of young women are often misunderstood. If you label them as emotional wrecks, you are missing the point. Make a special effort to understand your children's feelings. Follow along with Dr. Tim as he helps you delve into their heads to learn about and empathize with their inner workings. In doing so, you improve as a parent and better meet the needs of your precious daughters. Listen to Raising Daughters at drtimjordan.com.

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