Raising Amazing

A podcast by Cerina Vincent & Dr. Joel Gator


45 Episodes

  1. Family Bonding and Connection

    Published: 18/08/2021
  2. Postpartum in a Pandemic - Part 2

    Published: 11/08/2021
  3. Postpartum in a Pandemic - Part 1

    Published: 4/08/2021
  4. Get down and PLAY!

    Published: 28/07/2021
  5. Potty Training Tips and Tricks!

    Published: 21/07/2021
  6. Transform your Toddler and Yourself!

    Published: 14/07/2021
  7. Toddlers and Terrible Twos!

    Published: 7/07/2021
  8. Natural Remedies for Aches and Pains.

    Published: 30/06/2021
  9. Pride Month!

    Published: 23/06/2021
  10. Celebrating PRIDE and Father's Day with TWO DADS!

    Published: 16/06/2021
  11. Early Puberty and Hormone Intelligence.

    Published: 9/06/2021
  12. From Trauma To Triumph

    Published: 2/06/2021
  13. Stuck at Home as a Teen.

    Published: 27/05/2021
  14. We Are What We Eat

    Published: 19/05/2021
  15. Pregnant in a Pandemic

    Published: 12/05/2021
  16. No More Mom Guilt!

    Published: 5/05/2021
  17. Meeting the Moment with Tools for Transformation

    Published: 28/04/2021
  18. Reconnect with the Planet

    Published: 21/04/2021
  19. Cut Chemicals, Get Cooking, and then (YES!) Let them Eat Cake!

    Published: 14/04/2021
  20. Check-Up: What should I feed my child?

    Published: 12/04/2021

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Every parent hopes they are Raising Amazing humans. From fussy first months to testy teenage years—parents need engaging, fact-based solutions to help them navigate all of their parenting concerns. This generation of parents are also looking to raise the bar when it comes to parenting—to raise their children differently than their own parents. They are searching for support, solutions, and advice they can trust as they try, every day, to be amazing parents. Dr. Gator, a board-certified Pediatrician, has come together with actor and author, Cerina Vincent, to create a podcast that gives parents practical tips for Raising Amazing…as well as much needed peace of mind! Never before have a doctor and a celebrity come together in one podcast. With so many artists in the entertainment industry passionate about intentional, holistic, and natural living, as well as dedicated to the mental and emotional wellbeing of all of our kids, Raising Amazing is science-based help for parents that will truly educate, entertain, and enlighten everyone from exhausted new mamas to the seasoned parents.

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