Not Another Parenting Podcast

A podcast by Nova Podcasts


96 Episodes

  1. Am I A Bad Parent?

    Published: 26/07/2022
  2. Fat Shamed By A Four Year Old

    Published: 19/07/2022
  3. Here.. You Can Have My Kids!

    Published: 12/07/2022
  4. Pink Eye and Chris Hemsworth

    Published: 5/07/2022
  5. How Old Is Too Old For Kisses?

    Published: 28/06/2022
  6. I Think I Actually Like My Kids!

    Published: 21/06/2022
  7. I May Have Been Too Honest With My Mum!

    Published: 14/06/2022
  8. Missionary in a Moon Boot

    Published: 7/06/2022
  9. What Happens on the Photoshoot, Goes On The Podcast

    Published: 31/05/2022
  10. Wearing White To Someone Else’s Wedding!

    Published: 24/05/2022
  11. Always Check The Kids Are Actually Asleep

    Published: 17/05/2022
  12. Dad Walked In At The Worst Time

    Published: 10/05/2022
  13. There’s Nothing Wrong With A Booty Call!

    Published: 3/05/2022
  14. I Got To First Base With My Doctor

    Published: 26/04/2022
  15. I've Got A Warm Tingly Feeling

    Published: 19/04/2022
  16. Quiet, I'm Listening To The Neighbours

    Published: 12/04/2022
  17. Is The Toy Still Lodged There?!

    Published: 5/04/2022
  18. A Kegel a Day Keeps The Doctor Away!

    Published: 29/03/2022
  19. Blindfolded and Tickled with a Feather

    Published: 22/03/2022
  20. Good News, We’re Not Pregnant or Perimenopausal!

    Published: 15/03/2022

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This is NOT your typical parenting podcast. You won’t get advice on the best way to swaddle your child, how to have ‘the talk’ or whether to give them pocket money. This podcast, hosted by Sarah McGilvray and Cathrine Mahoney, is a safe place for any parent who gets to the end of the week thinking “How did I keep my children alive?”

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