Motherhood Simplified
A podcast by Krista Lockwood

339 Episodes
EP126 - urgency versus what's truly important in your motherhood
Published: 16/01/2020 -
EP125 - Finding balance in your motherhood - wtf even is it?
Published: 9/01/2020 -
EP124 - Routines you need to save your mom life that are NOT schedules
Published: 2/01/2020 -
EP123 - Kids & clutter! How it REALLY affects them
Published: 25/11/2019 -
EP122 - Delegation in the home and chore charts - this is how we do it! *sung to the tune of that song
Published: 21/11/2019 -
EP121 - How and why we ditched all of our stuff and made our life fit into four suitcases - the Motherhood Simplified story part 3
Published: 18/11/2019 -
EP120 - How and why we ditched all our stuff and made our life fit into four suitcases - the Motherhood Simplified story part 2
Published: 14/11/2019 -
EP119 - How and why we ditched all our stuff and made our life fit into 4 suticases - The Motherhood Simplified story part 1
Published: 11/11/2019 -
Baby Gear Essentials
Published: 7/11/2019 -
EP117 - How to stop arguing for your limitations
Published: 4/11/2019 -
Someone who gives too many gifts: how to handle it
Published: 31/10/2019 -
EP115 - Simplified birthdays
Published: 28/10/2019 -
EP114 - The relationship between clutter and gratitude
Published: 24/10/2019 -
Should I sell my wedding dress?
Published: 20/10/2019 -
What to declutter
Published: 17/10/2019 -
EP111 - Declutter and curate your home with your inner child
Published: 14/10/2019 -
Stop Giving Away Clutter
Published: 10/10/2019 -
EP109 - Your clutter is making you so toxic
Published: 7/10/2019 -
EP108 - The magic you're seeking is in the work you're avoiding
Published: 5/10/2019 -
EP 107 - The laundry epidsode!!
Published: 30/09/2019
Welcome to Motherhood Simplified, a podcast for moms who want to declutter but don't want to become a full blown minimalist!