Mother Flipping Awesome
A podcast by Abigail Wald

127 Episodes
Meet Abigail's Husband on a Special Father’s Day episode with Guest Eric Wald
Published: 20/06/2021 -
Modern Manners for Moms & Dads with Guests Evie Granville and Sarah Davis
Published: 13/06/2021 -
What Martial Arts Can Do For Kids, with Guest Paul Monje
Published: 6/06/2021 -
We Aren't Only Raising Kids; We're Raising Adults Too with Guest Julie Lythcott-Haims
Published: 23/05/2021 -
On Dying to Be a Good Mother, with Guest Heather Chauvin
Published: 16/05/2021 -
On Respecting Our Babies, with Guest Junnifa Uzodike
Published: 9/05/2021 -
Building Back After Betrayal, with Guest Debi Silber
Published: 2/05/2021 -
Chic & Sustainable Style with Guest Jen Mielke
Published: 25/04/2021 -
A Rock Star Mom’s Guide to a Badass Life with Lindsay Manfredi
Published: 18/04/2021 -
Does Homework HAVE to Be a Battle? with Kelsey Komorowski
Published: 10/04/2021 -
Teaching Our Kids Through Dares, with Ted Bunch and Anna Marie Johnson Teague
Published: 4/04/2021 -
Joyful Rituals for a Clean Home
Published: 28/03/2021 -
Let's Uncomplicate Our Relationship to Money, with Merel Kriegsman
Published: 21/03/2021 -
Healthy Screentime Habits, with Guest Julia Storm
Published: 14/03/2021 -
Why We Cook: Women on Food, Identity & Connection
Published: 8/03/2021 -
On Reinventing Ourselves, with Stephanie Thornton Plymale
Published: 28/02/2021 -
Decoding Boys with Janet Allison
Published: 21/02/2021 -
Can You Have a Bad Childhood and Still Give Your Kids a Great One?
Published: 25/01/2021 -
How to get Your Strong-Willed Kid Working FOR the Family Instead of AGAINST You
Published: 18/01/2021 -
How to Be an Insanely Awesome Grown-Up Who Can Lead Little Humans with Ease
Published: 10/01/2021
A parenting podcast for everyday superheroes in need of a pick me up. Parenting requires a heroic effort every day: Wake everyone. Feed everyone. Get out the door on time. Do your work. Make a living. Keep a home. Stop the siblings from attacking each other. Walk the dog. Care for yourself. Make sure they're doing their homework. Teach them emotional skills. Do the laundry. Get the teen to put the phone down. Tend to your adult relationships. Read the middle one a story. Get them to sleep on time. Do the dishes. Try to sleep yourself – if the baby lets you. Start over. Some days we do it all feeling like Wonder Woman / Superman, leaping over meltdowns in a single bound, and some days we feel like lowly mortals who can't catch a break or even get a moment to pee! We at MFA are your superhero headquarters for this heroic mission. We help you rise to the demands of this extraordinary job, and we are your emotional safety net for when you fall. Most of all, we're here to speak with profound honesty about the honestly profound work of parenting, because we believe our stories deserve to be told. Welcome, we're glad you're here.