Care and Feeding | Slate's parenting show

A podcast by Slate Podcasts


676 Episodes

  1. Putting Nighttime Worries to Bed

    Published: 2/02/2023
  2. Heartbreak on the Horizon

    Published: 30/01/2023
  3. To Snitch or Not to Snitch: Shoplifting Edition

    Published: 26/01/2023
  4. No, You Can’t Marry Your Mom

    Published: 23/01/2023
  5. Shame On You Too

    Published: 19/01/2023
  6. Summer, Already?!?

    Published: 16/01/2023
  7. Partying Like an Introvert

    Published: 12/01/2023
  8. Can I Tell Someone They’re Parenting Wrong?

    Published: 9/01/2023
  9. Breaking the Bad Word Habit

    Published: 5/01/2023
  10. The 'Best-Of' Bonanza

    Published: 29/12/2022
  11. Working Overtime: Balancing Parenthood With Creative Work

    Published: 26/12/2022
  12. 2022 Holiday Party

    Published: 22/12/2022
  13. Solving Screentime Struggles

    Published: 19/12/2022
  14. How Many Activities Are Too Many Activities?

    Published: 15/12/2022
  15. Why You Need Narcan

    Published: 12/12/2022
  16. Surviving the Holidays With Picky Eaters

    Published: 8/12/2022
  17. Supporting Gender Expression and Exploration

    Published: 5/12/2022
  18. Please Stop Shrieking!

    Published: 1/12/2022
  19. I'm Ashamed Of My Son

    Published: 28/11/2022
  20. How To!: Parent Your Depressed Teen With Carvell Wallace

    Published: 24/11/2022

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Jamilah Lemieux, Zak Rosen, Elizabeth Newcamp, and Lucy Lopez share triumphs and fails and offer advice on parenting kids from toddler to teens. Want more Care and Feeding? Subscribe to Slate Plus to unlock weekly bonus episodes with exclusive advice. Plus, you’ll access ad-free listening across all your favorite Slate podcasts. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts by clicking “Try Free” at the top of the Care and Feeding show page. Or, visit to get access wherever you listen.

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