Kiwi Birth Tales

A podcast by Jordyn Kayes


274 Episodes

  1. Ep106: Rebecca & Ziggy - Surrogacy, Pre Eclampsia, Induction, Water Birth, Post Partum Haemorrhage, Haemorrhoids, Q&A

    Published: 1/12/2020
  2. Ep105: Kendall & Oakley - Forceps Delivery, Birth Trauma

    Published: 24/11/2020
  3. Ep104: Sophie & Rory - Emergency C-Section, Cellulitis, Positive Breastfeeding Journey

    Published: 17/11/2020
  4. Ep103: Anna, Leo, Jude & Remi - 3 C-Sections, Miscarriage, Postnatal Depression and Anxiety, Retained Products

    Published: 10/11/2020
  5. Ep102: Amy & Madison - Hypnobirthing, ECV, Meconium in Waters, Episiotomy, PP Sex

    Published: 3/11/2020
  6. Ep101: Charlotte & Imani - Missed Miscarriage, Induction & Epidural

    Published: 28/10/2020
  7. Ep100: Hannah and Billie - Planned Induction, Epidural, Positive Birth Story

    Published: 19/10/2020
  8. Ep99: Katie, Cooper, Eily & Florence - Birth Trauma, Positive Second Birth (in Ireland), Surrogacy and Emergency CSection

    Published: 13/10/2020
  9. Ep98: Kate, Evie & Harrison - Scoliosis, Fertility Journey / PCOS, Induction, 4th Degree Tear, 2nd Pregnancy Elective C-Section

    Published: 6/10/2020
  10. Ep97: Alarice, Eli & Bowie - Low Platelets, Postpartum Depression, Miscarriage, Antenatal Depression, Polyhydramnious, Emergency CSection under GA

    Published: 29/09/2020
  11. Ep96: Charlotte & Imogen - Antenatal Anxiety, Epidural, Baby Blues, Positive Breastfeeding Journey

    Published: 24/09/2020
  12. Ep95: Emily, Harry & Oliver - Trigger Warning - 36w Drug Free Delivery, 12 Week Scan Abnormality, Medical Termination, Trisomy 18

    Published: 16/09/2020
  13. Ep94: Jess & Roman - Young Single Mum, Difficult Birth Experience, Forceps and Episiotomy, Postnatal Mental Health Journey

    Published: 10/09/2020
  14. Ep93: Jo and Charles - Endometriosis, Surprise Breech Birth, Jaundice

    Published: 1/09/2020
  15. Ep92: Renee and Georgie - Chemical Pregnancy, "Geriatric" lockdown pregnancy, Drug Free Water Birth

    Published: 26/08/2020
  16. Ep91: Stacey and Goldie - Surprise Pregnancy, Homebirth, Antenatal Depression

    Published: 19/08/2020
  17. Ep90: Carmen, Rosie, Asher, Jude & Taj - Fertility Journey, PCOS, Breech C-Section, Twin VBAC, Singleton VBAC

    Published: 11/08/2020
  18. Ep89: Julia & Lenny - Elective C-Section, Complication during Birth, Positive Breastfeeding Experience

    Published: 4/08/2020
  19. Ep88: Jenna, Sayer & Rio - Fertility Journey, 2 Vaginal Deliveries, Positive Birth Stories

    Published: 28/07/2020
  20. Ep87: Natalie, Liam & Amelia - 2 Vaginal Births, Positive Induction Story, Breastfeeding Challenges

    Published: 21/07/2020

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You're not alone on this journey, be it trying to conceive, pregnant, postpartum or wanting to relate to your own children who are now giving birth we have got a story for you. Your host Jordyn talks to Kiwi families about their experiences and brings us all together as a community, let's laugh, cry and celebrate together. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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