Kiwi Birth Tales

A podcast by Jordyn Kayes


274 Episodes

  1. Julia, Delilah & Clementine - Twin Pregnancy, Threatened Miscarriage, Mental Health in Pregnancy, Elective CSection

    Published: 1/12/2022
  2. Courtney, Max & Hugo - Endometriosis, Clomiphene, Fast Labours, Miscarriage, Hospital Births

    Published: 14/11/2022
  3. Your Birth Project: Stage One | Early Labour

    Published: 11/11/2022
  4. Beck & Isabella - Ectopic Pregnancies, OBGYN Care, Elective CSection

    Published: 8/11/2022
  5. Britt & Fox - General Anaesthetic Emergency C-section, 42+5 (Overdue), Loss of Sibling & Grief in Postpartum Period, Birth Trauma

    Published: 1/11/2022
  6. Rebecca & Leo: Fertility Health, Low AMH, Subchorionic Hematoma, Perinatal Anxiety, Group B Strep, Positive Vaginal Birth in Hospital

    Published: 21/10/2022
  7. BONUS: Your Birth Project: Fear, Tension, Pain Cycle

    Published: 20/10/2022
  8. BONUS: Your Birth Project: Going with the flow VS Having a Birth Plan

    Published: 13/10/2022
  9. Hanna & Mila - OBGYN Care, Positive Vaginal Birth Story in Hospital

    Published: 11/10/2022
  10. Claud & Elodie - PCOS, Miscarriage, Letrozole, Midwife Change @ 30 Weeks, Homebirth, Doula, Episiotomy

    Published: 5/10/2022
  11. BONUS: Your Birth Project: Deciding who to have in your Birth Team

    Published: 3/10/2022
  12. Grace & Heidi - Positive Pregnancy & Birth Story, Epidural, Ventouse Delivery

    Published: 22/09/2022
  13. BONUS: Your Birth Project: Contractions & Comfort Methods

    Published: 2/09/2022
  14. Emma & Louie - Low BMI & No Ovulation, Spontaneous Pregnancy, Hospital Birth with Episiotomy, Birth Centre, Positive Postpartum

    Published: 1/09/2022
  15. BONUS: Your Birth Project: Creating Your Best Birth Environment

    Published: 25/08/2022
  16. Danielle & Millie - Failed Ventouse, Episiotomy & Forcep Delivery, Birth Trauma, SCBU, Baby Weight Gain

    Published: 17/08/2022
  17. Shannon & Charlotte: PCOS, Bicornuate Uterus, Miscarriage, Breech Positioning, CSection, Sepsis after C-Section

    Published: 3/08/2022
  18. Elle, Revie & Roo - Pregnancy Loss, Spontaneous Multiples Pregnancy, Anxiety Management, Induction 38 Weeks, Csection, Postpartum Journey

    Published: 12/07/2022
  19. Ella & Tui - Late Pregnancy Gestational Diabetes, Induction, Hospital Birth, Epidural, 3rd Degree Tear, Level 4 Lockdown Birth

    Published: 5/07/2022
  20. Charlotte & Hattie - Covid Positive in Pregnancy, Drug Free Vaginal Birth in Birth Centre, 2 Under 2, Postpartum Recovery

    Published: 14/06/2022

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You're not alone on this journey, be it trying to conceive, pregnant, postpartum or wanting to relate to your own children who are now giving birth we have got a story for you. Your host Jordyn talks to Kiwi families about their experiences and brings us all together as a community, let's laugh, cry and celebrate together. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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