Journey with Story - A Storytelling Podcast for Kids

A podcast by Kathleen Pelley. audio story podcaster, children's author - Thursdays



387 Episodes

  1. The Gifts of the Grasscutter-Storytelling Podcast for Kids-Ages 4-10:E234

    Published: 20/07/2023
  2. The Little Old Woman and the North Wind-Storytelling Podcast for Kids:E233

    Published: 13/07/2023
  3. Why Possum Has a Skinny Tail-Storytelling Podcast for Kids:Encore

    Published: 6/07/2023
  4. Enjoy all of this Month's Episodes in our Round-Up-Storytelling Podcast

    Published: 30/06/2023
  5. Domingo's Cat-Storytelling Podcast for Kids:E232

    Published: 29/06/2023
  6. Why the Eagle Defends Americans-Storytelling Podcast for Kids:E231

    Published: 22/06/2023
  7. King Midas and the Golden Touch-Storytelling Podcast:Encore Episode

    Published: 15/06/2023
  8. Quackling- Storytelling Podcast for Kids:E230

    Published: 8/06/2023
  9. Theseus and the Minotaur-Storytelling Podcast-Encore Episode

    Published: 1/06/2023
  10. Enjoy All of this Month's Episodes in Our Monthly Omnibus Edition-Stortyelling Podcast for Kids:Bonus Playlist

    Published: 31/05/2023
  11. The Boy Punia and the King of the Sharks-Storytelling Podcast for Kids:E229

    Published: 25/05/2023
  12. Enjoy All of this Month's Episodes in Our Monthly Omnibus Edition-Storytelling Podcast for Kids-Bonus Playlist

    Published: 30/04/2023
  13. The Stone Cutter-Storytelling Podcast for Kids:E226

    Published: 27/04/2023
  14. The Lion and the Gnat-Storytelling Podcast for Kids:E225

    Published: 20/04/2023
  15. The Bookery-Storytelling Podcast for Kids:Encore Episode

    Published: 13/04/2023
  16. Philemon and Baucis -Storytelling Podcast for Kids:E224

    Published: 6/04/2023
  17. Enjoy All of this Month's Episodes in our Monthly Omnibus Edition-Storytelling Podcast for Kids:-March Playlist

    Published: 31/03/2023
  18. The Rabbit and the Crab-Storytelling Podcast for Kids:E223

    Published: 30/03/2023
  19. The White Hare and the Crocodiles-Storytelling Podcast for Kids:E222

    Published: 23/03/2023
  20. The Pot of Gold-Storytelling Podcast for Kids:E221

    Published: 16/03/2023

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Journey with Story is a storytelling podcast for kids ages 3-10. These audio stories are told with a Celtic flavor and calming voice of Scottish author, Kathleen Pelley. She shares fairy tale stories, bedtime stories, classic stories, and her own original children's audio stories.

Visit the podcast's native language site