Hi My Name Is Mom
A podcast by himynameismom - Tuesdays

132 Episodes
The SECRETS We Keep From Our Husbands...
Published: 20/12/2022 -
Stinky Pits, Postpartum Body Odor, Sexy Pheromones & Clomid Funk...
Published: 13/12/2022 -
What is Parentification?
Published: 6/12/2022 -
Mom Life: I Don’t Want To Clean Anymore!!
Published: 2/12/2022 -
Postpartum Body Image, with Brittainy Taylor
Published: 29/11/2022 -
Leaning Into Gratitude and Meeting the Vulva
Published: 22/11/2022 -
WHY I WINE: Leaving Your Child For The First Time
Published: 18/11/2022 -
How To Make Mom Friends
Published: 15/11/2022 -
Kaela’s Journey To Conceive Again: Infertility, Pregnancy Loss, IVF, and Trying Eu Natural’s Top-Rated Fertility Aid
Published: 9/06/2022 -
WHY I WINE: Kid Hygiene...Brushing Teeth & Cleaning the Face, Pits & Bits
Published: 22/04/2022 -
Nikki Leonti on Being A Teen Mom, Escaping Abusive Relationships, Losing Record Deals, Custody and Faith... and Finding Faith Again
Published: 19/04/2022 -
WHY I WINE: Stomach Flu, Scratched Corneas & Finding Your Crack
Published: 15/04/2022 -
Stephanie Sanzo on Mom Bod Goals, Battling Gym-timidation, Embracing Your Body Type & Dancing in the Face of Social Media Judgement
Published: 12/04/2022 -
WHY I WINE: The Time & Cost of Extracurricular Activities
Published: 8/04/2022 -
Losing IT...When Your Patience Takes a Vacay!
Published: 5/04/2022 -
WHY I WINE: Spring Break & Traveling With Kids
Published: 1/04/2022 -
All About WATER SAFETY: Keeping Kids Safe Around Water, Kicking Phobias & Calming Mom’s Anxiety
Published: 29/03/2022 -
Spiders, Sharks, Water, Pandemic... Do We Instill Fear In Our Kids?
Published: 22/03/2022 -
WHY I WINE: Stories From the Potty-Training Trenches
Published: 18/03/2022 -
All About BIRTH CONTROL: Stolen Sugar Pills, Lost IUD Strings, Scheduled Snips & A Crotch On Fire
Published: 15/03/2022
Jen Mayer Kulp, Corri English, and Kaela Kinney pull their real life mom convos up in front of a mic so that moms can feel seen, heard, and included… without judgement. It‘s the place for a fun, feel-good hang - where we don’t care if you breast or bottle feed, co-sleep or cry it out, sanitize a paci until it spontaneously combusts or lick it and put it straight back in baby’s mouth. The common thread is loving the crap out of these tiny humans we get to raise, while also sharing in the fact that it’s hard as sh*t. We aren’t experts, just mommas, living right in the thick of mom life. Connect with us: [email protected]