Have a New Kid by Friday Podcast

A podcast by Dr. Kevin Leman: NY Times Best Selling Author - Tuesdays



256 Episodes

  1. How can I instill good habits without cajoling, bribing, or punishments? (Episode 344)

    Published: 15/12/2020
  2. I can't finish a conversation when my 4-year-old is around. – Ask Dr. Leman 160 (Episode 343

    Published: 8/12/2020
  3. Blowouts Are Way Better than Slow Leaks (Episode 342)

    Published: 1/12/2020
  4. My teenagers fight like dogs. What should I do? – Ask Dr. Leman 159 (Episode 341)

    Published: 24/11/2020
  5. How do I get my spouse to be on the same page in parenting? (Episode 340)

    Published: 17/11/2020
  6. How do we parent our kids through their quarantine depression? – Ask Dr. Leman 158 (Episode 339)

    Published: 10/11/2020
  7. How are we going to have a great Holiday this year? (Episode 338)

    Published: 3/11/2020
  8. My 9-year-old has explosions and my 2-year-old is mimicking. Now what? – Ask Dr. Leman 157 (Episode 337)

    Published: 27/10/2020
  9. Training Your Last-Born to Become a Go-Getter (Episode 336)

    Published: 20/10/2020
  10. How do I stop myself from reacting? – Ask Dr. Leman 156 (Episode 335)

    Published: 13/10/2020
  11. Your Middle Child Needs to Feel Special (Episode 334)

    Published: 6/10/2020
  12. Will I hurt my child if I let them cry without immediate comfort? – Ask Dr. Leman 155 (Episode 333)

    Published: 29/09/2020
  13. Without a Relationship, We Have Nothing (Episode 332)

    Published: 22/09/2020
  14. We even took away hockey and our kids still disobey. – Ask Dr. Leman 154 (Episode 331)

    Published: 15/09/2020
  15. Partner Care = Smart Parenting (Episode 330)

    Published: 8/09/2020
  16. "My 4-year-old is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." – Ask Dr. Leman 153 (Episode 329)

    Published: 1/09/2020
  17. Focus on the Act, Not the Actor (Episode 328)

    Published: 25/08/2020
  18. "How do I get my 10-year-old to stop lying?" – Ask Dr. Leman 152 (Episode 327)

    Published: 18/08/2020
  19. Respond, Don't React (Episode 326)

    Published: 11/08/2020
  20. "My 4-year-old is hitting Grandma!" – Ask Dr. Leman 151 (Episode 325)

    Published: 4/08/2020

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Want a kid without the attitude? A kid with character who isn't a character? If you're tired of defiant attitudes and power struggles with our ankle-biters or the disrespectful hormone group, listen to this podcast for the simple principles to Have a New Kid. Dr. Leman with his signature wit and commonsense psychology reveals why your kids do what they do and what you can do about it!

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