Fit For Motherhood
A podcast by Alyssa Yost

51 Episodes
Becoming Well Adjusted with Chiropractor Dr. Tom Williams
Published: 19/05/2021 -
Life, Marriage & Parenting After Loss with Brian & Lindsey Moon
Published: 12/05/2021 -
Holding My Daughter's Heart with Lauren Johnson
Published: 5/05/2021 -
Building A Legacy with Morgan Dufault
Published: 28/04/2021 -
Brightening Your Mailbox with Laura Jones of Fire Stationery
Published: 21/04/2021 -
Food Freedom For Breastfeeding Mamas and Their Babies with Dr. Trill of Free To Feed
Published: 14/04/2021 -
Fit For Motherhood Spring Updates
Published: 7/04/2021 -
Digital Identity & Our Children with Grant Yost
Published: 31/03/2021 -
Postpartum Recovery with Anna Mohr
Published: 24/03/2021 -
Living With Purpose In Community With Christina Hite
Published: 17/03/2021 -
Adventure in Motherhood with Liz Brodahl
Published: 10/03/2021 -
Embracing Time with Meredith Barnes
Published: 3/03/2021 -
All The Things With Working Mom Olivia Carlson
Published: 24/02/2021 -
IVF & First Year of Motherhood with Kristi Blankenship
Published: 17/02/2021 -
Cloth Diapering with Jenna Lee
Published: 10/02/2021 -
Life & Motherhood in Mexico with Janelle Keller & Jill Smith
Published: 3/02/2021 -
Growing A Family & A Business with Amelia Zobrist
Published: 27/01/2021 -
Foster Care & Adoption with Single Mama, Julia Mittelberg
Published: 20/01/2021 -
Welcome Back!
Published: 13/01/2021 -
Postpartum Hair Loss & Hair Myths and Truths
Published: 4/11/2020
Hi friends, welcome to the Fit For Motherhood Podcast!!! Thank you for taking time out of your day to listen, we are SO excited to have you with us! We have been friends since early childhood, grew up together and are currently the moms of littles 5 and under. A LITTLE BIT OF INFO ON US Ali lives in central Illinois with her husband, Matt, and their three kids (4, 3 & 1). She is a part time hair stylist and spends the rest of her time at home with her kids. She is an enneagram 9w1. Alyssa lives in Chicago with her husband, Grant, and their two toddlers (3 & 1). She works part time as a pediatric oncology nurse and is also a certified holistic health coach & life coach and the owner of Grounded Roots Coaching. She especially loves working with women during their first year postpartum. She is still trying to figure out her enneagram. WHY ARE WE PASSIONATE ABOUT THE TOPIC OF MOTHERHOOD? • We’re MOMS • We’ve both experienced difficulties in our journeys as moms and have felt alone in dealing with those challenges. • We’re tired of the perfect images that are crafted on social media to which we find ourselves comparing our lives. • For Ali, she has become more self-aware in the last year or so and is tired of being dragged along by life. She has challenged herself to find ways to be more proactive about her mental and physical health because she realizes how much those things affect her ability to parent effectively. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS PODCAST? • Letting moms know that they are not alone in questioning their fitness for parenting • Encouraging other moms to know that we can do the hard things of motherhood, even when we doubt our abilities. • Sharing practical applications and also ideas that can be helpful in keeping ourselves mentally and physically fit for motherhood. We would love to have you with us every week as we talk together through topics that are important to us (and hopefully you!), interview other moms who are walking through all the different issues that come with the different stages of motherhood, and bond together over the things we have in common that truly make us fit for motherhood.