Listening to the Horse by Elaine Heney | Equine training, education, psychology, horsemanship, groundwork, riding & dressage for the equestrian. With horse care, health, ownership, knowledge, communication, mind, connection & behaviour information tips.
A podcast by Elaine Heney talks horse riding, horse training and natural horsemanship

42 Episodes
20: Standing still at the mounting block & turning lemons into lemonade like Beyonce
Published: 12/07/2021 -
19: Groundwork, a diet, and a personal horse training invitation
Published: 28/06/2021 -
18: How can a wild Irish dolphin help your horse?
Published: 21/06/2021 -
17: The magic circle exercise you can try out today with your horse
Published: 14/06/2021 -
16: #1 secret to developing an athletic, light & balanced riding horse
Published: 7/06/2021 -
15: Useful terms to know & a special book giveaway
Published: 31/05/2021 -
Behind the Scenes: New Listenology book on Amazon!
Published: 25/05/2021 -
14: Fixing a lack of impulsion in lateral movements
Published: 24/05/2021 -
13: Horse riding adventures at the Royal Stables in Cordoba Spain - My private garrocha lesson & ‘still shoulders’ riding exercise
Published: 17/05/2021 -
12: 12 ways to be a great clinic spectator & the inside seatbone exercise (horse riding lesson)
Published: 10/05/2021 -
11: The power of listening to the horse with Elaine Heney
Published: 3/05/2021 -
10: The herd bound or barn sour horse & how to stop nagging with your legs & improve lateral work & forwards energy.
Published: 26/04/2021 -
9: Feel, timing & footfall
Published: 19/04/2021 -
8: The power of consistency in horsemanship and the perimeter horse riding exercise
Published: 12/04/2021 -
7: Polework, short sessions & speed walking with your horse
Published: 5/04/2021 -
6: Top 3 ways to start work with a new horse & a fun riding exercises
Published: 29/03/2021 -
5: Groundwork exercises, magic corners for horse & the Irish weather
Published: 22/03/2021 -
4: The #1 BIGGEST issue I see with horses & riders is a lack of confidence - and how to fix this.
Published: 15/03/2021 -
3: To be amazing rider you need a very rare type of gene that I just didn’t have (TRUE Story)
Published: 10/03/2021 -
2: How a VERY difficult Connemara pony helped me to discover the real secret to great horsemanship
Published: 10/03/2021
The Elaine Heney podcast is a global equestrian show for equestrians all over the world, who want to build an inspiring partnership with their horse using ‘Listening to the Horse’ inspired ground & riding lessons & approaches. If you love natural horsemanship, liberty work, polework training, groundwork, lateral movements, trail riding & vaquero horsemanship, you are in the right place! As horse owners we take as long as it takes. We understand that horsemanship is a lifelong journey. And we understand the importance of working slowly with the horse - to build connection, trust & partnership together - and we aim to always put the horse’s mental, physical & emotional needs first. Each week you will listen to one episode that covers one specific skill, strategy or approach to help you build trust, connection & confidence with your horse, and covers a mixture of groundwork & riding lessons & ideas. Get more horse training & tips Enjoy Elaine’s personal blog at: What does Elaine share in this podcast? Enjoy equestrian, horse riding, horse training, natural horsemanship tips. Plus advice on relationship & confidence building with your horse. Discover trail riding, western, dressage, natural horsemanship, equine liberty work, polework training, groundwork, lateral movements & lots more! Elaine Heney is a #1 best-selling author, film producer at Grey Pony Films and director of the award-winning 'Listening to the Horse' documentary. She has helped over 120,000+ horse owners in 113 countries to create awesome relationships with their horses.