Play, Learn & Create with Edx Education

A podcast by edxeducation


85 Episodes

  1. Celi Harper, Founder, Gecko On the Move & International Teacher In Conversation with Edx Education (Italy)

    Published: 21/04/2020
  2. Bhavini Pandya, Learning Rooms Leader, Gratnells In Conversation with Edx Education (UK)

    Published: 15/04/2020
  3. Laura Henry- Allain, award winning author, international presenter In Conversation with Edx Education (UK)

    Published: 8/04/2020
  4. Dr Paul Swan, author and international speaker on maths In Conversation with Edx Education (Australia)

    Published: 1/04/2020
  5. Dr Cindy Hovington PhD, founder of Curious Neurons, In Conversation with Edx Education (Canada)

    Published: 26/03/2020

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Play, Learn & create with Edx Education. This podcast series discusses play being creative and learning for all children. Join Heather Welch sharing knowledge, information and support on play based learning we will explore the benefits, value, different stages of play and so much more. Play to the untrained eye can look meaningless, however there is a lot more going on than you can see. When children are playing, they are engaged, their imagination is sparked and they are developing confidence and key foundation skills. Play is the way children learn about the world and themselves especially in the early years. We have spoken with many educational experts, founders of charities, award winning author, international presenters, expat parents and so many more. #learningthroughplay #handsonlearning #parents #teachers #family #educationforall

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