DVD Commentary: The Original Podcast
A podcast by MB - Thursdays

98 Episodes
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) - Commentary by The Wonka Kids
Published: 7/12/2023 -
ROCKY (1976) - Commentary by Sylvester Stallone
Published: 30/11/2023 -
THE SIMPSONS (A Streetcar Named Marge) - Commentary by Jon Lovitz, Hank Azaria & MORE
Published: 27/11/2023 -
HOT FUZZ - Commentary by Edgar Wright & Simon Pegg
Published: 16/11/2023 -
THE THING (1982) - Commentary by John Carpenter & Kurt Russell
Published: 9/11/2023 -
INFINITY POOL (2023) - Commentary by Brandon Cronenberg, Karim Hussain & Rob Cotterill
Published: 26/10/2023 -
THE AVIATOR - Commentary by Martin Scorsese, Thelma Schoonmaker & Michael Mann
Published: 19/10/2023 -
SCREAM 2 (1997) - Commentary by Wes Craven, Marianne Maddalena & Patrick Lussier
Published: 12/10/2023 -
TALK TO ME (2023) - Commentary by Danny Philippou & Michael Philippou
Published: 5/10/2023 -
CONAN THE BARBARIAN - Commentary by John Milius & Arnold Schwarzenegger
Published: 28/09/2023 -
ALMOST FAMOUS - Commentary by Cameron Crowe, Alice Crowe & MORE
Published: 21/09/2023 -
ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK - Commentary By John Carpenter & Kurt Russell
Published: 14/09/2023 -
SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD (2010) - Commentary by Kieran Culkin, Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza & Mark Webber
Published: 31/08/2023 -
FREAKS AND GEEKS (Ep. 1) - Two commentaries by Judd Apatow, Paul Feig, Samm Levine & MORE
Published: 28/08/2023 -
BOOGIE NIGHTS - Commentary by Paul Thomas Anderson, Don Cheadle, Heather Graham, William H. Macy, Julianne Moore, John C. Reilly & Mark Wahlberg
Published: 24/08/2023 -
SEINFELD ("The Deal") - Commentary by Jerry Seinfeld & Larry David
Published: 21/08/2023 -
AS GOOD AS IT GETS - Commentary by James L. Brooks, Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt & Greg Kinnear
Published: 17/08/2023 -
THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE (Ep. 1) - Commentary by Mike Flanagan
Published: 14/08/2023 -
THE BIG PARADE (1925) - Commentary by film historian Jeffrey Vance
Published: 10/08/2023 -
ASH VS EVIL DEAD (S1 E1) - Commentary by Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi, Bob Tapert & Bruce Campbell
Published: 7/08/2023
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