China Daily Podcast

A podcast by China Daily

1218 Episodes

  1. 英语新闻丨Xi calls for firm cultural commitment

    Published: 3/06/2024
  2. 英语新闻丨人设翻车,网红“王妈”所属公司给打工人道歉

    Published: 3/06/2024
  3. 英语新闻丨Top court backs bullied boy's right to self-defense

    Published: 2/06/2024
  4. 英语新闻丨County officials sacked for river pollution

    Published: 30/05/2024
  5. 英语视频丨A Journey to China's Rose Paradise

    Published: 30/05/2024
  6. 英语新闻丨今年“打脸最狠”的水果,可能是荔枝?

    Published: 29/05/2024
  7. 英语新闻丨巴黎奥运会开幕在即 埃菲尔铁塔门票价格将上涨20%

    Published: 29/05/2024
  8. 英语新闻丨China, Japan, ROK urged to expand trade

    Published: 28/05/2024
  9. 英语新闻丨'Wall of opposition' part of US' net of containment

    Published: 28/05/2024
  10. 英语新闻丨Beijing, Seoul vow to take ties forward

    Published: 27/05/2024
  11. 英语新闻丨三分之一学生减重5%以上,北京大学这门“减肥课”火了

    Published: 27/05/2024
  12. 英语新闻丨同一天!挪威、爱尔兰、西班牙宣布承认巴勒斯坦国

    Published: 26/05/2024
  13. 英语视频丨Delicious Hangzhou: Bamboo Bliss

    Published: 24/05/2024
  14. 英语新闻丨东部战区位台岛周边开展“联合利剑-2024A”演习

    Published: 24/05/2024
  15. 英语新闻丨Xi welcomes US visitors to see real China

    Published: 23/05/2024
  16. 英语新闻丨Policy efforts can stabilize realty

    Published: 23/05/2024
  17. 英语新闻丨Iranians mourn late president

    Published: 22/05/2024
  18. 英语新闻丨"Taiwan independence" incompatible with cross-Strait peace

    Published: 22/05/2024
  19. 英语新闻丨High tech benefits the disabled

    Published: 21/05/2024
  20. 英语新闻丨Foreign visitors praise their travel experiences

    Published: 20/05/2024

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