Champion Puppy Training Podcast

A podcast by Pat Quinn: Creator of the Champion Puppy Training System


105 Episodes

  1. Is your dog a chewer and if so, is it a bad thing?

    Published: 12/04/2021
  2. Should you or should you not use a clicker for training?

    Published: 9/04/2021
  3. How to Ensure Your Puppy is not Easily Spooked on Halloween

    Published: 1/11/2020
  4. Puppy Training Trouble Shooting

    Published: 9/10/2020
  5. The Puppy Struggle is Real

    Published: 31/08/2020
  6. How to Brush Your Puppy's Teeth

    Published: 24/08/2020
  7. Stop Puppy Nipping NOW

    Published: 18/08/2020
  8. How to Stop Barking Out the Window

    Published: 31/07/2020
  9. Struggling Puppy Owner Q and A

    Published: 10/07/2020
  10. Loose Leash Walking Drill

    Published: 3/07/2020
  11. My Puppy Keeps Checking Out on Me

    Published: 26/06/2020
  12. Train how you Live - Live how you Train

    Published: 1/06/2020
  13. Puppy Training Tricks for "All Day Sit-Stays"

    Published: 5/05/2020
  14. Stop Puppy Nipping NOW!

    Published: 28/04/2020
  15. How to Establish Authority Over Your Dog

    Published: 17/04/2020
  16. Puppy Training During Quarantine

    Published: 12/04/2020
  17. Nipping, Jumping, Lunging, Digging, Crate Training and Structure

    Published: 3/04/2020
  18. My Puppy Bit Me in the Face

    Published: 27/03/2020
  19. Puppy Training Commands MUST be in This Order

    Published: 13/03/2020
  20. Perfect Puppy Training

    Published: 9/03/2020

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Are you a new puppy owner? A busy puppy owner? A frustrated puppy owner? This weekly podcast will allow you to better know and grow your puppy. This puppy training podcast delves into obedience, manners, socialization and how to get your dog's training off to a Champion start. Want relief and results? This podcast will sharpen your ownership skills so you can better develop your Champion puppy.   Throughout the year topics will include: Management techniques How to motivate your puppy (without bribing or being heavy handed) Increasing your handling skills.  Champion owner mindset Socialization considerations  Putting your puppy's natural drives to work for you versus against you Common mistakes I see owners make Busting commonly help myths  Shining a light on small things that when done over and over make a big difference Scaling up your training so you can rely on your training when it matters the most Want the free app, or to check out my amazon store or more info on the Champion Puppy Training System online-app based course? Go to: Got questions about your puppy?  Email: [email protected]  in the subject line put: podcast.  If you give me good details, I can give you a great answer!! Want to talk: 1-877-552-4267 THE FREE APP INCLUDES: Win the Day-Win the Dog: Your puppy’s daily regimen webinar Puppy Parables: Deep insights via e/audio book into your puppy’s development Skippy is Nippy: Turn the kids into Jr Puppy Trainers! Check out book or have the author read it to them via video book. Want access to: 200+ professionally produced videos, webinars, handouts, audio files, your own copy of the Puppy Playbook, plus weekly coaching calls with me!! Sign up and get instant access to my online puppy training course and my schedule:

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