Budget Nerds

A podcast by You Need a Budget - Wednesdays



78 Episodes

  1. #87 - Stop Making Boring Financial Goals

    Published: 3/04/2024
  2. #86 - Cash Categories vs Cash Accounts

    Published: 20/03/2024
  3. #85 - Do I Have to Give EVERY Dollar A Job?

    Published: 6/03/2024
  4. #84 - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Unexpected Expenses

    Published: 21/02/2024
  5. #83 - Kath Eats: An Interview with Nutrition Blogger Kath Younger, RD

    Published: 7/02/2024
  6. #82 - YNAB's Four... Habits?

    Published: 24/01/2024
  7. #81 - YNAB Wins Mega Episode

    Published: 10/01/2024
  8. #80 - There's No Such Thing As Saving Money

    Published: 27/12/2023
  9. BONUS - Live Q&A on YouTube (11/29/2023)

    Published: 1/12/2023
  10. #79 - ANNOUNCEMENT! Live Q&A Today at 3:00pm EST (Nov 29th, 2023)

    Published: 29/11/2023
  11. #78 - Are Impulse Purchases Wrecking Your Finances? A YNAB Study Finds Out

    Published: 15/11/2023
  12. #77 - Are You On the Credit Card Float? Credit Card Alerts Can Help

    Published: 1/11/2023
  13. #76 - The Most Elegant Budget We've Ever Seen? An Interview with Budget Nerd Lee Bond

    Published: 18/10/2023
  14. #75 - The Ultimate Guide to Targets in YNAB

    Published: 4/10/2023
  15. #74 - The Unexpected Benefits of Budgeting

    Published: 20/09/2023
  16. #73 - Saving Dollars? Sure, But How About Saving Time!

    Published: 6/09/2023
  17. #72 - Paying Off the Mortgage: Erin Walks Through How She Did It

    Published: 23/08/2023
  18. #71 - Inside the Categories with Budget Nerd Gabi Bradley

    Published: 9/08/2023
  19. #70 - Focused Views: A Powerful New YNAB Feature!

    Published: 26/07/2023
  20. #69 - Budgeting a Month Ahead

    Published: 12/07/2023

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Personal finance experts Ben Barlowe and Ernie Reppe get nerdy with numbers as they share budgeting tips, strategies for categorizing transactions, and lessons learned from using the revolutionary budgeting system known as You Need a Budget.

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