Best of Both Worlds Podcast

A podcast by iHeartPodcasts - Tuesdays



393 Episodes

  1. Cook Once and Eat All Week with Cassy Joy Garcia

    Published: 8/10/2019
  2. Pregnancy and Babies.

    Published: 1/10/2019
  3. An Important Announcement and Guest Calee Lee, President and Creator of Xist Publishing.

    Published: 24/09/2019
  4. Money Conversations with Personal Finance Expert Jean Chatzky.

    Published: 17/09/2019
  5. Grown and Flown author Lisa Heffernan.

    Published: 10/09/2019
  6. Academics, Independence, and Adoption - Interview with Myleen Leary.

    Published: 3/09/2019
  7. Happy 2nd birthday to BOBW!

    Published: 27/08/2019
  8. Welcome to the Back to School Blitz!

    Published: 20/08/2019
  9. Executive Coach Helen Dayen Interview.

    Published: 13/08/2019
  10. Fitting in Health (plus a family vacation postmortem!) Ep 105

    Published: 6/08/2019
  11. Julie Morganstern on Organizing and Time to Parent.

    Published: 30/07/2019
  12. The Au Pair Perspective: Voices from the agency and an actual au pair!

    Published: 23/07/2019
  13. Midsummer Report: Our Goals and Routines. Ep 102

    Published: 16/07/2019
  14. Fran Hauser: The Myth of the Nice Girl.

    Published: 9/07/2019
  15. From zero to 4 kids in under a year: an adoptive journey with clinical pharmacist Andrea Walter.

    Published: 2/07/2019
  16. Kids at Different Ages & Stages.

    Published: 25/06/2019
  17. Frugal Parenting Tips & Tricks.

    Published: 18/06/2019
  18. Data-driven parenting (that might even make your life easier!) with Prof. Emily Oster.

    Published: 11/06/2019
  19. Superficial Things Part Deux. Ep 96

    Published: 4/06/2019
  20. Finding Your Crew (or Cru!) with Tiffany Dufu.

    Published: 28/05/2019

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Love your career? Love your family? Best of Both Worlds is the show for you! Hosts Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It and a mom of five, and Sarah Hart-Unger, a practicing physician and mom of three, discuss work/life balance, career development, parenting, time management, productivity, and making time for fun. Tune in each week for strategies to help you thrive in all spheres of life.

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