Badass Breastfeeding Podcast

A podcast by Dianne Cassidy & Abby Theuring - Mondays



442 Episodes

  1. Why don’t babies sleep through the night?

    Published: 31/05/2023
  2. Does breast size or nipple shape matter?

    Published: 29/05/2023
  3. Tips for Pumping at Work

    Published: 24/05/2023
  4. Traveling as a Breastfeeder

    Published: 22/05/2023
  5. Nipple pain with older babies and toddlers

    Published: 17/05/2023
  6. Baby Led Weaning

    Published: 15/05/2023
  7. High Lipase-Does your milk smell funky?

    Published: 10/05/2023
  8. Managing Nighttime Breastfeeding

    Published: 8/05/2023
  9. What do our partners go through?

    Published: 3/05/2023
  10. The Magic of Skin to Skin

    Published: 1/05/2023
  11. Balancing Breastfeeding and Pumping

    Published: 26/04/2023
  12. How to help other breastfeeders

    Published: 24/04/2023
  13. Constantly Nursing Babies

    Published: 19/04/2023
  14. Dealing with Daycare

    Published: 17/04/2023
  15. Introducing Bottles to a Breastfed Baby

    Published: 12/04/2023
  16. Breastfeeding While Pregnant

    Published: 10/04/2023
  17. Myths About Starting Solids

    Published: 5/04/2023
  18. Pumping Stories From Badasses

    Published: 3/04/2023
  19. Normal Newborn Behavior

    Published: 29/03/2023
  20. Touched Out and Unsexy

    Published: 27/03/2023

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Dianne Cassidy, IBCLC, and Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, discuss everyday issues surrounding breastfeeding and motherhood, in ways everyone can relate to. This is the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast!

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