Badass Breastfeeding Podcast

A podcast by Dianne Cassidy & Abby Theuring - Mondays



442 Episodes

  1. Breastfeeding During Emergencies

    Published: 21/10/2024
  2. Breastfeeding your sick baby

    Published: 14/10/2024
  3. Obstacles to Breastfeeding

    Published: 7/10/2024
  4. Psychology of Breastfeeding

    Published: 30/09/2024
  5. Sleep in the fourth trimester

    Published: 23/09/2024
  6. Replay - Nighttime Sanity as a Breastfeeder

    Published: 16/09/2024
  7. D-MER (Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex)

    Published: 9/09/2024
  8. 5 Lies About Breastfeeding

    Published: 2/09/2024
  9. Spitting Up

    Published: 26/08/2024
  10. Fighting Misinformation with Radical Moms Union

    Published: 19/08/2024
  11. Should you give breastfeeding advice?

    Published: 12/08/2024
  12. Transition to Cup or Bottle

    Published: 5/08/2024
  13. Sexualization of Breasts

    Published: 29/07/2024
  14. Breastfeeding the Brave with Lyndsey Hookway, PhD

    Published: 22/07/2024
  15. Nursing in Public

    Published: 15/07/2024
  16. Fearless Birth and Breastfeeding with Dr. V

    Published: 8/07/2024
  17. Replay-The best breast pump hacks

    Published: 1/07/2024
  18. Latch Regression

    Published: 24/06/2024
  19. Things You Wish You Knew About Breastfeeding

    Published: 17/06/2024
  20. Reasons for Low Milk Supply

    Published: 10/06/2024

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Dianne Cassidy, IBCLC, and Abby Theuring, The Badass Breastfeeder, discuss everyday issues surrounding breastfeeding and motherhood, in ways everyone can relate to. This is the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast!

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