Back to basics - babies, bodies and behaviour
A podcast by Ulrika Casselbrant and Mel Cyrille

12 Episodes
Neurodevelopment - with Zoe Woodman part 2
Published: 6/05/2019 -
Neurodevelopment - with Zoe Woodman part 1
Published: 6/05/2019 -
In-arms carrying - with Henrik Norholt
Published: 2/04/2019 -
Attachment - with Henrik Norholt
Published: 1/03/2019 -
Clinging Young
Published: 1/02/2019 -
Post partum - part 2
Published: 1/02/2019 -
Post partum - part 1
Published: 26/10/2018 -
Redefining ergonomic babywearing
Published: 28/09/2018 -
Why does minimalist shoes and being barefoot matter?
Published: 31/08/2018 -
Friction in Carrying
Published: 20/07/2018 -
Babies and communication
Published: 28/06/2018 -
In-arms carrying – reflexes
Published: 5/04/2018
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First episode of Back to basics – babies, bodies and behaviour, with Mel Cyrille and Ulrika Casselbrant. The first episode is a bit of an intro to in-arms carrying with a focus on babies reflexes used in carrying, but it also has some interesting content we’ve not shared before! Mel Cyrille is a babywearing and in-arms consultant and trainer. Mel is the author of In-arms Carrying and is also a doula. Ulrika Casselbrant is a babywearing and elimination communication consultant. She runs a peer supporting course in babywearing and elimination communication and is the author of books about elimination communication and baby sign language in Swedish, Bebis på pottan and Babytecken. Ulrika is also a doula.