Atomic Moms
A podcast by Ellie Knaus

261 Episodes
Unplug, Together with Tiffany Shlain, Internet Pioneer
Published: 22/10/2020 -
Chelsea Clinton on Empowering the Next Generation and the "She Persisted" Children's Book Series
Published: 29/09/2020 -
How to Ease Our Kids' Anxiety And Our Own | Dr. Shefali Tsabary and Renee Jain
Published: 24/09/2020 -
Elizabeth Lesser | Where the Feminist and Spiritual Paths Meet
Published: 16/09/2020 -
Dr. Tina Payne Bryson Returns with Hot Button Parenting Decisions |The Whole-Brain Child's Bestselling Author
Published: 1/09/2020 -
Social Anxiety and Pandemic FOMO | Tammin Sursok, Roxy Manning: Women on Top Podcast
Published: 12/08/2020 -
Best-Selling Novelist J. Courtney Sullivan and Becky Friedman (Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood) on Mom Friends, Babysitters, and Moving Away
Published: 1/07/2020 -
Let's Go There: Anti-Racism, The Pandemic, and Parenting Right Now (Video Podcast!)
Published: 18/06/2020 -
Winning Shark Tank, Green Living, and Home Cleaning with Sarah Paiji Yoo, Blueland Founder + Toddler Mom
Published: 5/05/2020 -
Pregnancy, Birth, and Mothering During Covid-19 | Diana Spalding, MSN, CNM
Published: 17/04/2020 -
The Must-Have Mom Guide for Right Now | Diana Spalding, MSN, CNM
Published: 16/04/2020 -
Glennon Doyle "Untamed" + Love in the Time of Coronavirus | #1 New York Times Bestselling Author
Published: 27/03/2020 -
Social Distancing, Extreme Family Time, and Final Moments of Freedom | Internet Mom Friends Sonni Abatta and Ellie Knaus
Published: 20/03/2020 -
Embracing Sustainability in our Throwaway Culture | Zero Waste Expert Tara Button,
Published: 17/03/2020 -
Be More with Less | Courtney Carver, Minimalist Expert & Project 333 Founder
Published: 3/03/2020 -
Umm, Are My Kids Breaking Me? | Listener Q&A with Ellie and Adam
Published: 19/02/2020 -
Demystifying Puberty and "Decoding Boys" | Cara Natterson, M.D., best-selling author
Published: 12/02/2020 -
True Botanicals Hillary Peterson is Cleaning Up the Beauty Industry | Founder, CEO
Published: 4/02/2020 -
Britta Bushnell, PhD Returns | Transformed By Birth: Cultivating Openness, Resilience, and Strength for the Life Changing Journey from Pregnancy to Parenthood
Published: 28/01/2020 -
Sundance 2020: Filmmakers Bridget Moloney + Claire Coffee on Making Art Out of Motherhood
Published: 23/01/2020
Ellie Knaus celebrates and commiserates with world class experts, best-selling authors, and listeners around the world on Atomic Moms podcast. She shares the sweet and messy journey of her growing family and welcomes complex discussions on topics from postpartum anxiety to schooling to marriage after kids and how to build your village of mom-friends. Since 2014, listeners have found a welcoming space Ellie calls Switzerland in the Mommy Wars. Apple Podcasts features Atomic Moms podcast under its most popular Kids and Family recommendations. And Mental Floss named Atomic Moms in 19 Notable Podcasts About Parenting. Listen up anywhere you get your favorite podcasts and find us at and on Instagram @atomicmoms.