Alex Room Service - En podcast om (oftast) KISS

A podcast by Alex Bergdahl


168 Episodes

  1. (Massor av matnyttig info om) The Elder

    Published: 26/07/2015
  2. Avsnitt 7: The Summer Of '77

    Published: 4/07/2015
  3. Demolåtar - En högst personlig Top 10

    Published: 20/06/2015
  4. Kiss Destroys Anaheim part 2

    Published: 4/06/2015
  5. Kiss Destroys Anaheim part 1

    Published: 27/05/2015
  6. The 6 Million Dollar Solution

    Published: 14/05/2015
  7. Sista kvällen på the Coventry 1973

    Published: 4/05/2015
  8. Premiäravsnitt: Kiss i Japan 1977

    Published: 26/04/2015

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