Alex Room Service - En podcast om (oftast) KISS

A podcast by Alex Bergdahl


168 Episodes

  1. Episode 128: Revenge 30 år del 2: Att dissekera en liveskiva

    Published: 28/07/2022
  2. Episode 127: Sommarmorgon i läckornas land

    Published: 10/07/2022
  3. Episode 126: Boktipset med Carl: Den sista dynastin

    Published: 14/06/2022
  4. Episode 125: En inblick utifrån, eller utblick inifrån

    Published: 29/05/2022
  5. Episode 124: Love Gun - en pricksäker fullträff

    Published: 7/05/2022
  6. Episode 123: The sweet hello, the sad goodbye

    Published: 2/04/2022
  7. Episode 122: En fot före den andra, storyn om Ace sista kreativa tid

    Published: 19/03/2022
  8. Episode 121: Revenge 30 år del 1: Fönstret åt gården

    Published: 25/02/2022
  9. Episode 120: Listor, listor, listor

    Published: 13/02/2022
  10. Episode 119: I Alex Soffa 18: Musikåret 1988 (sista soffan)

    Published: 19/01/2022
  11. Episode 118: I Alex Soffa 17: Filmåret 1989

    Published: 19/01/2022
  12. Episode 117: I Alex Soffa 16: Julspecial om Gremlins

    Published: 19/01/2022
  13. Episode 116: I Alex Soffa 15: En Halloweenspecial om...Halloween

    Published: 17/01/2022
  14. Episode 115: I Alex Soffa 14: Världens bästa Stephen King

    Published: 17/01/2022
  15. Episode 114: I Alex Soffa 13: Bra brittisk tv på 80talet

    Published: 17/01/2022
  16. Episode 113: I Alex Soffa 12: De bästa svenska filmtitlarna

    Published: 17/01/2022
  17. Episode 112: I Alex Soffa 11: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, med gäst!

    Published: 17/01/2022
  18. Episode 111: I Alex Soffa 10: Polisskolanfilmerna, en genomgång

    Published: 17/01/2022
  19. Episode 110: I Alex Soffa 09: Mästerdetektiven Basil Mus

    Published: 17/01/2022
  20. Episode 109: I Alex Soffa 08: The Legend Of Zelda 30 år!

    Published: 16/01/2022

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