Adoption Adventures

A podcast by adoptionadventures


211 Episodes

  1. We spoke at JP Morgan

    Published: 30/05/2023
  2. An update from me to you

    Published: 22/05/2023
  3. Daddy ramblings

    Published: 9/05/2023
  4. Heartbreak

    Published: 2/05/2023
  5. The big consult

    Published: 25/04/2023
  6. Microagressions

    Published: 18/04/2023
  7. I’m having a moan!

    Published: 3/04/2023
  8. Birthday fun

    Published: 28/03/2023
  9. He passed!

    Published: 21/03/2023
  10. Adoption support

    Published: 13/03/2023
  11. Agencies are listening

    Published: 6/03/2023
  12. Setting boundaries

    Published: 28/02/2023
  13. We need to be advocates

    Published: 21/02/2023
  14. I wish I could make him revise!

    Published: 14/02/2023
  15. Transracial adoption...from a naïve perspective

    Published: 7/02/2023
  16. Little dude talks about Adoption

    Published: 31/01/2023
  17. Some educational updates

    Published: 23/01/2023
  18. A look back on 2022 with Adopter Voice

    Published: 17/01/2023
  19. What am I going to do with him?!?

    Published: 10/01/2023
  20. Employment issues

    Published: 3/01/2023

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This is a podcast all about our adoption journey, the highs, the lows and the bits in between. I will share our experiences and discuss general life as well as specifics. In time I will look to answer questions and support other adopters.

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