Identity, Openness and Birth Family Contact with Nick Ede
You Can Adopt - A podcast by You Can Adopt

Welcome to episode 22 of the You Can Adopt podcast. In this episode, TV presenter, culture expert and adopted person Nick Ede speaks to Samantha, who is part of three generations of adopted people. As a special episode for National Adoption Week, the episode explores how adoption has changed through the decades, through the voices of two people who have seen or heard first-hand how it has evolved. In the episode, both Nick and Samantha explore their experiences of being adopted, including topics around identity, openness and contact with birth families – to shine a light on how the sector is transforming and the importance of a connection to your history in developing a sense of who you are. While historically adoption was often seen as secretive and hidden, with little information and support provided to help adopted people understand their history, it is now vital that adoptees have a good understanding of their history to help form a positive sense of identity. This includes staying in touch with birth relatives and friends (when safe and appropriate), and maintaining these connections through life story books, later life letters, and memory boxes, which all help adopted people stay connected to their past.