Birth Parents with Nicky Campbell
You Can Adopt - A podcast by You Can Adopt

Nicky Campbell talks to birth parent Angela about her story, experiences of adoption, and her relationship with her birth children and their adoptive parents. This episode explores a different perspective, shining a light on birth parents, and their important role and voice in the adoption process. Nicky himself was adopted a few days after he was born, and eventually sought out his birth parents later in life. From an early age they told him he was adopted, explaining he was very special because he was "chosen". Angela is a founding member of the Family Rights Group parents panel, one of their expert panels of family members with direct lived experience of the Child Welfare and Family Justice System. Her children were adopted in 2004 after a very long and fraught battle with her Local Authority over domestic violence and mental health issues. Angela is now married with a daughter with no local authority involvement, has a great relationship with the adoptive parents of her two boys, and has recently been in touch with her eldest son. Please be aware before listening that this episode contains some aspects which may be difficult for some to listen to, around subjects such as self-harm, domestic violence and substance abuse. Expert help and support is available via PAC-UK, the country’s largest independent adoption support agency. They work with all of those affected by adoption and other forms of permanent care to provide advice, support, specialist therapy and counselling. For more information please visit: or call 020 7284 5879.