Sisya Satsang 2

Yogis on the Road

 "To stop the mind and hold it in its proper place is called Dharana. This is an essential step in order to achieve eka-grata (one-pointedness) of the mind. One who is able to bring his mind eka-grata will not only have all the senses under his command but will have all the siddhis in his hand. When the mind gets controlled, the indriyas become internalized and will perform their activities from inside. Hence by controlling the mind, all the indriyas will come under one's control. There is a unique special aspect to dhyana. That is, suppose one practices pranayama, pratyahara and dharana to control the mind and is able to acquire a state of eka-grata. Such a person, if he thinks about some situations or matter and he wishes that it should or should not occur, events will happen according to his wishes." Krsnamacarya, Yoga Makaranda