Day Ninety-Six- Scans
What the F is Hypnobirthing? - A podcast by whatthefishypnobirthing

How has it been this long and I have not recorded an episode about scans?! Well, because they are routine, we just go to them. They are exciting, they give us life-saving information and allows us to see our baby. BUT, have you ever thought that there might be side-effects to Scans?! I had not thought about it either! (probably why I never thought they warranted a whole podcast) but they do! Listen to this episode where I explore the amazing impact having scans has for our pregnancy experience but also hear me explore the little evidence which has been done into having them and whether we should be having them (spoiler alert, I still do !!). Also, do not forget to visit , my antenatal classes are now live and bookable!!