Would You Put Your Breast Milk In A Necklace?

We Don't Have Time For This - A podcast by Gemma Peanut & Kate Reeves

LIVE from Sydney Lockdown, we are remote recording from under blankets to bring you more basic drivel this week. Kicking off with what everyone is talking about (19 minutes, 58 seconds mean anything to you?) #netflixandchill #donkeyschlong. As well as some retail recon the DLs have done re: tooth fairy and we're HORRIFIED. Speaking of terrifying keepsakes, we discuss breastmilk jewellery and hey, why not, if that's your jam? Right Gem? Then, Gem does not have time for her Mum flouting her utterly perfect parenting and enabling her kids' inner brat life. And Revz is so done with hormones (and frankly, should she even be allowed to do this podcast when she's in this state?) We rail at the way people give directions, COVID, vaccines, and reminisce about stalking mixed race baby hashtags; it's yet another pick n' mix from your favourite Tuesday Besties.

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