Son, This Is A Period
We Don't Have Time For This - A podcast by Gemma Peanut & Kate Reeves

Fun new dinner party game Revz has invented; what country are you? She thinks she’s Iceland (looks great on Insta but ALOT of shit to sort out, ya know) can you pick what Gem is? Then Gem had a potential teaching moment happen this week and she.. well.. fucked it. She fucked it. But when is “too soon” to teach your kids about women’s cycles and is there even a too soon? Then Revz wants to chat about women changing their name. Is it still a thing? It is in our bubble but why do we do it that way and is the “family” name still a real deal? As always we touch on Bridgerton (lol, get OVER it) and you can bet there’s a decent helping of smut in there for your Tuesday too. Love you DL’S !See for privacy information.