Real Life v Reel Life 🤳🏼
We Don't Have Time For This - A podcast by Gemma Peanut & Kate Reeves

Maybe it's Sydney Lockdown, but this week we get a bit real. Or is it reel. People keep asking Revz if Gem is really as perfect as her instagram grid and frankly, its opened a can of self-conscious, 2021, macro worms. Is it uncool to appear cool on the gram these days? Or is there a feed for every feel? If you love connecting through socials online, do you need to have a "brand" or can you just show up as yourself - and what if showing up as yourself has a real, well, brand about it? What is the role of your real friends compared to your "reel" friends? And my god this is such a weird conversation, but its not like we all haven't thought about it! A deep, dopamine dive into life online, off-line, through a phone and into our heads. Revz hits a nerve with Gem and together, we try and figure out just why any of us really give a shit. ALSO SOME GOOD #NOTSPONSOREDS. Happy Tuesday! Or is it Wednesday? Or Sunday? Or October? Or 2037? We do not know, but we are here.