Loving Your Kids So Hard It Makes Them Weird
We Don't Have Time For This - A podcast by Gemma Peanut & Kate Reeves

You guys, Gem is going grey. Proper grey. Probs because her daycare just up and shut down. Lucky we’re in perpetual, unending lockdown… 🥴 Today we’re just wondering, are we harder on our girls than our boys? I mean, we definitely are, but is that normal? We discuss how we don’t want to make weird-ass men out of our boys, but omg, we just want to marry them a little bit. But for real, we want to be those cool mother-in-laws and have all our adult kids loving coming to visit us every single Sunday. BUT HOW DO WE DO THIS AND NOT MAKE THEM WEIRD? And is having a girl a guarantee of a built in bestie? Or is that yet another thing we don’t wanna fuck up? Lockdown may have made us over think all of this, but here we are, in our makeshift podcast forts coming to you, just cos it’s Tuesday.