Getting Paid to Overshare

We Don't Have Time For This - A podcast by Gemma Peanut & Kate Reeves

Drama, Drama, Drama! We had our first on-air fight over, wait for it, Harry & Meghan. Its the Brit v The Republican and spoiler alert, nobody wins. In the theme of confrontation, Gem tells us about an aggressive blow-up at her local playground and then in some kind of weird non sequitur we get into the hot topic of sharing your life on the internet - we reminisce about life pre-social media and then get hella scared for the children. THE CHILDREN! Finally, Revz forced Gem into a 'salacious' tell-all about what really happens behind the scenes of influencing and what-was-this-episode-about? Life...oh, life! ohhhh li-ife, OH LIFE. Doo doo doo doo.

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