26 | Siobhan's drug-free VBAC following elective caesarean due to breech positioning; Posterior Labour, ECV, Student Midwife, MGP, Birth Centre at Public Hospital
VBAC Birth Stories - A podcast by Melissa Merino & Stephanie Cannavo

In this the final VBAC birth story episode of 2020 we chat to Siobhan who lives with her husband and two children in the Gold Coast. Siobhan’s first baby was presenting footling breech towards the end stages of her pregnancy and after an unsuccessful ECV (External Cephalic Version) she reluctantly signed on the dotted line accepting a planned caesarean birth. Whilst the caesarean was text-book and she wasn’t separated from her baby, she did experience challenges with breastfeeding and also a bit of postpartum anxiety. In her next pregnancy she knew she wanted a VBAC from the beginning, but a second breech presentation and no support from her local hospital in attempting a breech VBAC led Siobhan to take matters into her own hands, determined to have a successful ECV to give herself the best chance of experiencing the kind of birth she always wanted. Siobhan raises important points on breech birth and how the maternity system can better facilitate breech presentations and potentially prevent many elective caesareans which are performed for this reason, often times without the presence of fully informed decision making. We look forward to bringing you more VBAC journeys in 2021! :)~ Notes ~Breech Birth Australia & New Zealand Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/breechVBAC Australia Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/342851302473349Specialist breech obstetrician:Dr. Andrew Bisitshttps://www.seslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/royal-hospital-for-womenNew QLD Health VBAC Guidelines (see notes on Breech VBAC and ECV):https://www.health.qld.gov.au/.../0022/140836/g-vbac.pdfBirth Trauma & PND/Anxiety Support:PANDAhttps://www.panda.org.au/info-support/after-birth/child-birth-traumaCOPEhttps://www.cope.org.au/preparing-for-birth/things-dont-go-plan/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd-2/The Gidget Foundationhttps://gidgetfoundation.org.au/get-support/,Beyond Bluehttps://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/get-immediate-support**VBAC Birth Stories features women's lived experiences. It is not intended to replace medical advice. Should you have any concerns during your pregnancy please always consult your healthcare provider.Please connect with us on Facebook or Instagram: @vbacbirthstories