170: Thinking Elixir News

Thinking Elixir Podcast - A podcast by ThinkingElixir.com - Tuesdays


News this week includes the release of ElixirConf 2023 video playlist featuring keynote videos, a guide on Web Application Security Best Practices for BEAM languages from the EEF Security Working Group, the release of NextLS v0.12 with exciting new features, and a new library to integrate the JavaScript all-in-one toolkit, Bun with Phoenix. A new LangChain library makes it easy to integrate Elixir applications with an LLM like ChatGPT. Regarding the open source community, we discuss the major update in the Lodash JS project, the latest PostgreSQL 16 release, and a noteworthy article from ZigLang on bounties potentially damaging open source projects, and more! Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/170 Elixir Community News https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqj39LCvnOWbHaZldxw_g02RaTQ4vQ1eY – ElixirConf 2023 video playlist, currently only includes the keynote videos. https://twitter.com/bernheisel/status/1704019930515919092 – Chris McCord's keynote for ElixirConf 2023. https://erlef.github.io/security-wg/web_app_security_best_practices_beam/ – Guide on Web Application Security Best Practices for BEAM languages https://twitter.com/paraxialio/status/1703146204404535467 – Update on the same topic on Twitter. https://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/134 – Podcast episode discussing inside the Security Working Group https://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/93 – Preventing Service Abuse with Michael Lubas podcast episode https://github.com/elixir-tools/next-ls – NextLS v0.12 released with new features. https://www.elixir-tools.dev/news/the-elixir-tools-update-vol-3/ – More information on the Elixir Tools update. https://twitter.com/crbelaus/status/1702703595236331668 – Phoenix's new library to integrate Bun, the JavaScript all-in-one toolkit. https://hex.pm/packages/elixir_bun – Link to the new Phoenix library on Hex. https://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/83 – More info about Zig with a previous guest Isaac Yonemoto. https://github.com/brainlid/langchain – LangChain for Elixir library was released. https://twitter.com/RudManusachi/status/1702093261530403223 – Brian Cardarella's LiveViewNative keynote showed the ExDoc documentation. https://hexdocs.pm/ex_doc/readme.html#tabsets – Explanation on the use of tabsets in ExDocs. https://twitter.com/danielcroe/status/1703127430523703432 – Lodash JS project declared "Issue bankruptcy" https://github.com/lodash/lodash – Lodash, a modern JavaScript utility library, went through some changes. https://ziglang.org/news/bounties-damage-open-source-projects/ – ZigLang blog stating that "Bounties Damage Open Source Projects" https://www.postgresql.org/about/news/postgresql-16-released-2715/ – PostgreSQL 16 released with performance improvements and new features. https://www.crunchydata.com/blog/active-active-postgres-16 – Understanding of "Active-Active" replication in PostgreSQL 16. Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir or email at [email protected] Find us online Message the show - @ThinkingElixir Message the show on Fediverse - @[email protected] Email the show - [email protected] Mark Ericksen - @brainlid Mark Ericksen on Fediverse - @[email protected] David Bernheisel - @bernheisel David Bernheisel on Fediverse - @[email protected] Cade Ward - @cadebward Cade Ward on Fediverse - @[email protected] Sponsored By:Fly.io: Fly.io is a great place to deploy your next Phoenix application! Check them out!

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