145: Thinking Elixir News

Thinking Elixir Podcast - A podcast by ThinkingElixir.com - Tuesdays


News covers the EEF election results, a new Livebook 0.9 release, Docker reverses directions, how Github spilled the secret beans, full text search with a new Haystack lib, how intentionally vulnerable Phoenix apps are educational, the timescale hex package grows up a little, and more! Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/145 Elixir Community News https://erlef.org/blog/eef/election-2023-results – New Erlang Ecosystem Foundation members https://news.livebook.dev/announcing-livebook-0.9-2tiuLC – Livebook 0.9 was released and has a short accompanying blog post. https://www.docker.com/blog/no-longer-sunsetting-the-free-team-plan/ – Docker is no longer sunsetting the Free Team Plan https://github.blog/2023-03-23-we-updated-our-rsa-ssh-host-key/ – GitHub SSH key leaked and reset https://elixirstream.dev/gendiff – ElixirStream diff generator updated with awareness for Credo. https://github.com/zestcreative/elixirstream/commit/3c4278469201c45f7d794aaa6343f0fe18df4cda – What's involved in getting a new project diff added https://culttt.com/2023/03/22/building-a-full-text-search-engine-in-elixir – New full-text search library called Haystack from Philip Brown https://github.com/elixir-haystack/haystack – Haystack project on Github https://github.com/heywhy/ex_elasticlunr – Comparable search library ElasticLunr https://twitter.com/paraxialio/status/1638161831373029377 – Paraxial released an intentionally vulnerable project for people to play with and exploit https://paraxial.io/blog/potion-shop – Vulnerable "Potion Shop" project https://owasp.org/www-project-juice-shop/ – OWASP's "Juice Shop" vulnerable project https://twitter.com/sm_debenedetto/status/1638496777463648260 – The book "Programming Phoenix LiveView" by Bruce Tate and Sophie DeBennedetto released a new update. https://pragprog.com/titles/liveview/programming-phoenix-liveview/ – The book on PragProg https://twitter.com/germsvel/status/1638158470317834246 – Tip for testing function components by rendering them to HTML https://twitter.com/germsvel/status/1640696116017614850 – Tip for paginating as an infinite scroll with streams https://hex.pm/packages/timescale – Timescale library published a pseudo-stable version, 0.1.0. (no longer alpha) https://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/129 – Our interview with Dave Lucia about Timescale https://hexdocs.pm/ecto_range/EctoRange.html – New Ecto library about storing Ecto Ranges. Provides Ecto types for Postgres about storing a time range, date range, datetime ranges, and integer ranges, and supports indeterminate bounds. Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir or email at [email protected] Find us online Message the show - @ThinkingElixir Message the show on Fediverse - @[email protected] Email the show - [email protected] Mark Ericksen - @brainlid Mark Ericksen on Fediverse - @[email protected] David Bernheisel - @bernheisel David Bernheisel on Fediverse - @[email protected] Cade Ward - @cadebward Cade Ward on Fediverse - @[email protected] Sponsored By:Fly.io: Fly.io is a great place to deploy your next Phoenix application! Check them out!

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